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Shout out to @EmilySnapexx for spamming me with comments and votes.

Ok guys. Can u share this with others? Bc every time I update I get like 10 less reads. That prob sounds really bad but I have OCD so the #'s look really weird😂 on my first one I have 906 and on my latest one I have 259. So plz share my stories! Love you all!!

-2 hours later of horrible screams- Dracos POV-

"Ok we are ready to push!" The doctor Exclaims.

I'm holding hands with Hermione and I'm quite sure I'm hand is broken. She had cursed my existence and everyone here's. They all tell me it is normal, but I have never been through this before so it's kinda scary....expecaly Hermione

"Your doing good Mione! Just push and we will have the babies!"

"SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! AGHHHHHHHH!! FUCK!!" She screams and smashes my hand into 1000 more pieces.

Beads of sweat are running down her face and mine. Mine more out of her crushing my hand and her being in labor and all.

"Ok just a couple more pushes and baby A will be born!" The doctor says calmly.

-couple pushes later-

"Wahhhhhh" I heard.

I looked over to Hermione who had a relived face. I smiled and she let out a small tear.

"Baby A is a boy." Announced the doctor. Then he went back to work.

"I love..." Hermione Says then us stoped by yelling.

"Push!" The doctor warns.

-after pushing for a while-


I smile as I see the baby being brought to the nurses.

"Baby B is your girl!" The Doctor announces.

-5 min later-

The doctor walks over to us with the babies in his arms. Baby A is a boy and is wrapped in blue with a blue hat. Baby B who is a girl in wrapped in pink with a pink hat. Right now they are slightly crying. I smile at Draco. He is just silent, astonished.

"Here you go" the doctor said. He handed me the girl and Draco our baby boy.

"Segan Finn Malfoy, welcome to the family!" Draco says still looking down at our son.

"Segan? Zinna Eliza Malfoy, welcome to the family baby girl!" I say introduced my baby girl.

"Yes Segan, thought u would like it. I love our baby's names!" He says with a big goofy grin.

"Me too"

Sorry about the short chapter, also sorry for uploading late. Byeeee-Riley😏😘

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