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-3hours after call-Draco POV

I walk into our hotel around 12:40. I then walk over to Scorpius room and check in on my baby. He is sound asleep. I smile to myself then walk down the hall to our room.

I find my beautiful wife sleeping soundly. She is cuddled up with a pillow. She does that a lot. It's very cute actually. I think to myself.

I walk over to my closet and pull out some sweats. I slip off my cloths and put on my PJ pants. Then I slid into bed with Mione.

I think I woke her a bit because she started to stir in her sleep. The I kissed her forehead. She is so beautiful when she is asleep.

The i lay down and close my eyes. I drift off in a couple of minutes

-Morning-Hermione's POV-

I wake up with the feeling of a strong arm around my waist. Then I smile. Because I know exactly who it is. Scorp is going to be so happy.

Draco is still asleep when I get out of bed and change. Then I go into the kitchen and make breakfast for us. Draco's favorite breakfast. Eggs with waffles.

Half done with breakfast Scorp started to wine.

I walk over to his bedroom and she him shaking his crib bars.

"Your so silly," I say to my little 2yr old

"Hungry mommy!" He says when I pick him up from out of his crib.

So we walk back into the kitchen and I set him in his high chair. I give him half of a waffle and a smaller egg.

"Mommys going to get ready in the bathroom. So u eat and I'll be right back," I lied to him because I want to see Draco without a hyper Scorpius running around our bedroom.

I jump onto the bed. Practically on top of Draco. He wakes up shocked. He starts to laugh and then he smiles and kisses me.

"I missed you sooo much!" I say while kissing him.

"I missed you more!" Draco said playfully. He roles me over so He is above me and kisses my neck.

I let out a playful giggle. And said "you look like a hippy"

"What?!" Draco said while trying to fix his hair. I just laugh.

After about a minuet of Draco freaking out Scorp came running in. He must have heard us laughing.

"DADDY!" Scorpius said while trying to climb on to the bed. We smiled at each other and then helped him up. Scorpius flung himself into Dracos arms and they hugged for a good 30 seconds.

"I missed you so much daddy!" Scorpius said sitting on Dracos lap.

It's so cute how they have always gotten along with each other. It's like they are Best friends or Brothers! It's cute and funny. I'm just so glad to have them in my life.

"So, when am I meeting your family?" Draco questioned

"Today....I think?!" I said jokingly.

Draco stood up kissed me on the cheek and went into the kitchen.

"Eggs!!! WAFFLES!!!" Draco screamed in a funny voice.

I walk into the kitchen and find Draco jumping up and down.

"Your not Scorpius....wait?! Are you Scorpius from the future?!" I gasped jokingly.

It's so fun to have Draco back with us! He always makes us smile and laugh! sick!!!

I run to the bathroom and get on my knees in front of the toilet.

I puke.

Not again! I really need to go to the store!

"Honey? Are you ok?!" Draco asks chasing me to the bathroom and holding my hair away from the toilet.

"No....I don't think so," I say with a frown in my face.

"Are you sick?"

I shake my head no. Dracos face goes blank.

I think he realized what I was  thinking

"Is....what....when?! Wow!" He was lost for words. I just puked again.

"I have no idea when. I think I know how." I said with a smirk then continued. "Yes it's possible. I haven't been in the pill. And I'm as surprised as you are!"

Draco hugged me and then says

"I'll get the test!!" He is a little to excited for this. I'm kinda scared. Scorp is only 2!

"I'll be back around 2. I have work in the hotel then I'm also picking up the texts!"

"Ok.....I love you. See you later. Me and Scorp have to go down with my family. Feel free to eat all you want." I laugh at the last part.

Then I walk into scorps room to find him all dressed and ready.

After I check on him I go into our bedroom and change into a black dress that has green neck lining.

We walk out the door.

"So....where's Draco?" My mum asks when I get into the elevator.

"He has to work and pick me up something. He will meet us in the pool." I say with a straight face.

I'm honestly not very excited for him to meet the family. Acually I'm scared for him.

Heheheheh I stoped heheheh. Ok well they mighttttt meet him in the next chapter. Depends. But I already have names for the baby(s) and I think u guys will love them. They are NOT common and they r so cute and fit Their kids perfectly. -Riley😏😘

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