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Scorpius POV

"Zinnia, Segan, follow me. We are going to the east wing tonight." I whisper to my twin siblings.

"Mommy and Daddy forbid us to go there" Zinnia fights with me.

"No it's ok, just common" I say grabbing there hands and leading them down the secret passage way.

"I'm scared" my Quiet brother says.

"It's fine" I reassure him. Even though I don't know if it's fine.

We walk for another 7 minuets and finally get to the beaten down east wing.

"We can't be down here!" Shouts my Sister. Instantly I gently but my hand on her mouth.

"Quiet!" I whisper shout.

-Hermione's POV-

The kids are going to be so excited! We have to go wake them up right away!" I say excitedly. I grab my fiancée hand and we go up the Manor stairs and to the right to get the kids.





"They must already be asleep" I say looking at Draco.

We open up the twins door to see


A wave of worry washes over me and I begin to feel my knees fail and my brain instantly goes to the worst possibilitys.

Voldemort took them.

Lucius broke out of Azkaban.

Bellatrix took them.

Death eaters came back.



Many more flood my head and I begin to panic.

I run to Scorpius room and bust open the door to find no one.

Unfallen tears clog my eye sight and I rapidly pull out my phone and wand while ignoring my fiancée shouts to call down.

I dial Harry and tell him about everything. Him and the Aurors will be here in any minuet.

"Hermione! Calm! Down!" Draco shouts at me.

"I can't fucking calm down. My kids are missing with no trace of where they are!!" I shout at Draco.

His facial expression hardens. "Our Kids, Hermione!! Not yours. Ours!!"

He grabs my wrist and we climb back down the stairs to find many groups of Aurors in the living room.

I run to hug Harry.

"We don't know where they are. They are gone! Gone!" I sob.

-Scorpius POV-

A couple of minutes ago we heard a pop but ignored it. Thinking mom and dad went out with their friends again.

"I really don't think we should be here" Zinnia says again.

"It's fine"

We keep walking down the broken part of the house. The pillars are crumbling and floor boards are missing. Dead rodents are on the floor and the furniture is horrible. Then we come up to some stairs (at the top) and we hear something from up there.

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