Chp 7

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OML!!! WE HIT 1.3 thousand reads!!! (In all lol) thank you all sooooo much! Also! If you like this story go check out my other ones!

-1 hour later-

"Scorp!" I yell down the hall.

"Coming mommy!" He yelled from his room.

I walk over to Draco who is packing stuff in the kitchen.

"Why do we need that?" I ask with amusement in my voice.

"You will see," Draco says kissing my cheek.

"Ohhh well I guess I have to go then!" I joked kissing him on the cheek and then I went to Scorp who is standing by the door waiting for me.

"You ready buddy?"

"Yes momma!" My son says with excitement rising in his voice. He has the biggest goofiest grin on his face. Him and his father look just like each other. It's actually really cute.

I hope the other baby will look like him too!

Me Scorp walk down the hall hand in hand over to my parents room.

When we reach the door my parents are already there waiting for us.

"MA, PA!" Scorpius yells jumping into their arms.

"Hi pumpkin!" My mom says letting Scorp down and then holding his tiny little hand.

"You guys put on quite a show this morning!" My dad laughed as he hugged me.

"Ohhhh yeah, well we were a little annoyed..."

"Yes, yes a LITTLE annoyed!" My dad laughs

"Okkkk maybe a lot annoyed."  I said with a sigh. I hug my parents and kiss Scorp on the cheek. Then I leave.

I get to our room a little later then I wanted to but Draco can survive.

"Honey I'm Homeeee" I joke.

"Oh honeyyyy I missed you sooo much!" He joked back picking me up bridle style.

"Woooooohoooooo!" I yelled in excitement. We are spinning in circles quite fast. I miss this. With everything going on it's hard to have fun!

Draco set me down and I kissed him on the cheek.

"So shall we get going?" Draco asked

"No! I neeeeddd to change!" I acted  this is my favorite impression of Draco and Scorp.

"Ohh very funny!" He said kissing me on my forehead.

I walk into our room and grab a baby blue sun dress. It has white and yellow little flowers on it. Then I slipped on my blue sandals. Also input my hair up in a messy bun.

Draco walks in.

"Ok princess let's get going."

"Yes my Slytherin prince." I said linking arms with Draco.

"I miss this." I whisper into Dracos ear.

"Me too." He says out loud.

Hey guys! Sorry this one is short. I just wanted to get a Chapter in. This is kinda a filler Chapter. But there are some scenes that I think is kinda cute.

Let me know what I should do. I'm getting some writers block😭😱😂


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