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Hey guys!! I'm back and I'm glad! Writing is my peaceful place and I don't think I can stay away.💕😞

-Hermione's POV- she's 4 months

"Heyyyyyy, Draco?"

"Yeah baby?" Draco shouts back to me

"Come here! I want to tell u something!" I shout to him.

Draco walks into the room. Then he kisses my cheek. "Yes?"

"Tomorrow is our appointment. They had to move it."

"Ok!" Draco smiled. "Does that mean we get to find out the gender sooner!"

"Yes! Yes it does!" I say completely forgetful.

"Awesome! Ok and now I have to get back to Scorp. He should get ALLLLL the attention before the new baby."

"Defiantly!" I kiss his cheek then he leaves the room.

I'm glad that Draco and Scorp are with each other a lot. Because we will have to pay attention to the baby. I hope Scorp doesn't take this to bad! We still haven't told him officially that we r going to have another baby. But I think he is catching on to it. I mean I am big for 4 months.

"Hey mommy?"

"Yeah baby?"

"Can we get Ice Cream? It's veryyy hot today!"

"Sure honey!" I agree. Even though it is only 56(F) degrees out.

Scorpius smiles then runs back to his room. Then I hear him talking to Draco.

I look down the hall and just then Draco lays his head out the door and smiles. I smirk then walk away to make Scorps lunch.

-Tomorrow at 7:30 am-

I wake up looking at a smiling Draco. Then close my eyes again.

And with my eyes still closed I say "so. Is staring the new thing?" I joke.

"Mmmmhhmmm" Draco says planting a kiss on my cheek.

Then I feel him getting up.

"No," I say then pull him back down.

"Well I was going to make you breakfast."

"Not hungry," I say with my eyes still closed.

I cuddle closer to Draco and smile. He kisses me on the forehead.

He always kisses my forehead because I'm like 10 inches shorter then him.

I smile catches my lips.

"Your too cute for your own good." I say with a smirk.

"And your too sexy for your own good." I say with a smile.

"Your are in a good mood today!" He says happily.

"Well today is a good day! 1- weeks have been sleeping in our own bed for exactly 3 months now and are not in contact with any of my family except my parents. 2- we are finding out the gender of our baby in 7ish hours. And 3- I'm just happy!" I say cuddling closer to his bare chest.

"Have you been counting the months we have been in our own bed?!" He says with a laugh.

"Maybeeee" I say sketchily.

"Well I should have guessed. You are Hermione Granger."

"I prefer Malfoy!" I say jokingly but also Serious.

"Do you now?" Draco asks curiously.

"Yes, yes I do!" I say kissing his lower lip.

Wow I'm shorter then I think. 

Sorry this one is short but I have writers block and I have for awhile.

But comment your favorite song🎶🎶💕 mine is Mercy by Shawn Mendes.

ALSO! Who else heard that stupid/scary rumor that Shawn was dead! I gave myself a heart attack bc I believed it. But then I looked it up and it told me it was a rumor. I was SOOO happy💕☺️😂


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