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"Mr. Malfoy. Miss. Granger. Scorpius is-in critical condition. We aren't sure if he will survive. I'm sorry"

And with that out once some what happy faces turned stone cold. One of the worst things happened. "We aren't sure if he will survive"

My son. My oldest son. Could die. Because of the house I chose to live in. An didn't destroy because I grew up here. And I wanted my kids to grow up there. Because my mom had a emotional attachment to it. And my son could die because I kept us in that house. So it's my fault.

I sat back down heavily in my seat. And I let tears fall. For the first time since my 7th year in Hogwarts. I cried.

Hermione sat down next to me and pulled me close. "He will survive, he is a survivor like you" she whispered to me.

I didn't respond for the best couple minutes. "It's all my fault" I choked.

Hermione was taken back and looked completely and utterly surprised at what I just said. "If is not your fault!" She scorned me.

"It is! If I would have moved us out of that wretched place this wouldn't of had happened!" I yelled. I stood up and started to pace.

Instantly Hermione stood up and grabbed my shoulders. "You had every right to keep your home. You grew up there and wanted our kids to grow up there. You mom had a attachment to the home. This is NOT your fault" she says puling me into a hug after her rant.

"But it feels like it's my fault. It is my home. And my son is in the hospital because of it." I sob

"It's not your fault what so ever. It is Scorpius' and some other persons. Who will! Will! Be found and put in Azkaban!"

We pull apart and I peck her on her lips. And smile a sad smile.

I see a small tear slip down her rosy cheek. I pull her back into the hug. "He is strong. He is such a Gryffindor" I whisper in her ear. Roles have switched. She is such a softy.

She lets out a chocked laugh. "He's more like you though"

"He is going to be ok" Harry says putting his hand on Hermione's shoulder

"The strongest person I know" Pansy says putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Fucking Brilliant" Theo says putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Amazingly Loveable" Ginny says putting her hand on my shoulder.

"And over all amazing" Blaise Finished putting both of his hands on us.

Sorry about the short chapter. I have been very busy! Also I'm going on a 3-4 day trip on Thursday so I will have a very big update when I get back. (Hopefully) and then at the end of July I'm going on a 2 week trip to South Dakota-Wyoming-South Dakota-Home.

Q-Who should have hurt Scorpius. And what should I name the other baby boy. We have

Baby Boy 1-Leo Harry Malfoy
Baby Girl- (Secret)
Baby Boy 2- I need help

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