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Hermione POV- she is now 6 months-

That vision I saw at the doctors still won't leave my head. No matter what I try it is still there. What happened. We were at Hogwarts and people were laying on the ground....dead people! Hogwarts was smashed again and everyone had blood on them....even Draco. Draco looked more pale then before and he showed less emotion then before. It scares me. Because what if, and I'm just thinking what if Voldemort comes back....that can't happen though right? We killed him.

Broke all the Horcruxes. He no longer exists...but that is not what it feels like. And I hate it. The feeling is worse then death. Unimaginable worry that your family will be torn away from you with on strip of weakness.

I think I just need to go to bed again. That will help. I'm just tired!

So I walk into our room and lay down. Draco is in the bedroom office working on some Hotel paper work.

-Flash Forward-

"Harry!!! I can't just leave him!!! My kids need him! Zinnia, Segan, Finn and Scorp! They all need him!" I yell still fighting Harry. Draco keeps walking away no matter how much I yell. My face is still soaked and warm. My hands are covered in blood. My clothes are also covered in blood. The same with Harry.

I can see Ginny, Ron, George and Fred standing by the broken apart school covered in Molly. Everyone is crying!

"Molly?!!" I say breaking more down in tears.

"Yes....Now go home! Draco is gone!"

"NO! HE WOULD NEVER LEAVE US!!!" I scream remembering Draco walking away with a Army. A wizard Army.

I kneed Harry in the Stomach and start to run down the field. My hair flying into my face and blood dripping from my clothes. All I need is Draco!!

-End of Flash Forward-

"NO!" I shoot up in bed and scream.

"Hermione?!!" Draco yells while running into our room.

"Draco?!" I ask surprised.

"Yes? Mione! Are you alright!"

"Um yeah I'm fine. Bad dream," I say stupidly

"Tell the truth. You were always a bad lier."

I gulp and tell him everything.

-30 minuets later-

"I would never leave! This is fake! Trust me it's fake!" Draco says pulling me into a hug.  He hugs me very tight.

"What's wrong with me?!" I ask very scared.

"I don't know....let's go to St. Mungo's" Draco suggests.

I nod and he takes out his phone to call Cissy.

"Ok lets go." He says after the call. The kids are already at her house he just told her to keep them over night.

-St. mungo's-
"Mr. Malfoy, Miss, Granger. Your appointment isn't till next week." Says the nurse.

"Yes we know, it's just she has been having visions of the...Future. We don't know what's wrong." Draco says squeezing my hand. The nurse looks scared and I dont know if that's good.

"Is everything ok?" I ask.

"Come with me!" The nurse says urgently.

Me and Draco Quickly follow her into a delivery room. I look around petrified. Wtf are we doing in here?!!

"We are going to have to delivery the babies. And yes I know they are 6 months. Well with powerful enough magic they will have a 70% chance of survival. But if you keep them they will die and you too." The Nurse says ringing the Doctor.

I look at Draco scared and he nods his head the hugs me. I wanted a regular birth....

-Flash Back-

"Draco are you ready for our appointment?" I yell up the stairs.

"Yeah be down in a minuet."

-At St. Mungo's-  Pregnant with Scorpius- 7 months-

"Miss. Granger, Mr. Malfoy we are ready." Calls the nurse.

I look at Draco with worry. We are having Scorpius early because my uterus is to weak to carry a baby right now. So if I keep him for a full term he has a slim chance of surviving. But this way he has a better chance of survival. Maybe next time I will have a regular birth. We are going in for C-section. Kinda scary if I'm being honest

We arrive in the room and I tighten my grip of Dracos hand

"Don't leave me," I say turning to Draco.

"Never," he answers and kisses my forehead.

"Ok we are ready. Would u like to be unconscious or conscious?" The Doctor asks.

"Conscious." I answer, tears forming in my eyes.

"You'll be ok. I'll be right there with you the whole time." Draco tells me.

"I love you!"

"I love you too!" Draco answers and kisses my forehead then goes to get changed.

-End of Flashback-

"Everything will be fine!" Draco tells me. He sees the worry in my eyes.

"I'm scared." I say hugging him.

"I am too. I am too." He holds me closer as the doctors rush into the room and pry us apart. They tell Draco and I to get changed.

I get changed and hug Draco one more time before they induce me. I guess I'm have a natural birth.

"Am i not having a C-section?" I ask

"Not unless you want to." Doctor Vallian answers. He has been our baby doctor.

"Thank you Doctor Vallian. I would like a natural birth." I tell him.

He nods and tells the nurses.

"Would you like to be num or just completely natural."

"Completely Natural."

He nods once again and Draco then hugs me from behind.

"Are you ready?"

"I never will be." I say


"Very. But at least it's not a C-section" I joke with Draco trying to lighten the mood.

We also still don't know why we are having the babies scares me!

Fuck! First contraption! I heard that these hurt but I didn't know that it was this bad!

"Fuck!" I yell crouching over.

"Hermione?!" Draco says supporting me he helps me walk over to the bad.

"She is starting contraptions!" A nurse shouts.

"We need to time them!" Another nurse yells. Then she picks up a timer and walks over to Hermione. "Ok so we are going to be timing them and as soon as they hit 2 minuets apart we are going to get in position." The nurse tells me.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading!

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