Chp. 20

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WE HIT THE 20th CHAPTER! But you guys r prob like. Fuck that what happened!

-Dracos POV-

Hermione feel tot he floor sobbing when we saw lots of blood on the second stair case. Now it time to move on. Harry stayed back with Hermione and I am continuing on with the Aurors.

Still all through the 4 stair cases there was what seems like tons of blood.

"Mr. Malfoy, over here" says one of the Aurors. I see what they are pointing to. Smeared my blood. And bloody prints on the wall. Which shows signs of struggle.

My heart sinks as I follow the river of blood. And what I see inside of the room. Fucking kills me.

Right there. In the middle of the room.

Lays my eldest son. Covered in his own blood. Either unconscious or dead. His leg and part of his chest is torn open.

I run to Scorpius and kneel besides him.

"Get Harry! Get blood replenishing potions! Help me!" I bark out orders to the dozens of Aurors behind me. Around 13 Aurors come to my side with bandages. The 2 more come back with potions and Harry. The others are searching for the monster that did this.

"Draco," Harry puts his hand on my shoulder. "We need to get him to St.Mungos."

I nod and shrug off his hand. Not wanting comfort right now. Only wanting my son back.

I pick up my bloody, bandaged son and hold him tight to my chest. The apperate to St. Mungo's.

Instantly many nurses come over to us and bark out orders. Me and Hermione follow a blonde haired nurse to the OR.

Hermione is clinging to my are. Which only seems like fear of losing another person. She is the strongest person I know. She was tortured for hours, mercilessly by my bloody aunt Bellatrix. She is the most emotionally strong person I know. Pretty much the strongest person in the whole bloody world. Yet I can't even explain in. Right now. Right this second. I have never, never seen her this torn down. It's like she has never had a happy memory in her life. She has never looked emotionless in her whole life. Except for now

We get to the room and Scorpius is torn away from us. And we are kicked out of the room despite the blood curling screams Hermione gives them. When out of the room I grab Hermione and pull her into a bone crushing hug. Full of love and comfort. He returns it. We stay like that for a couple minutes. We break apart when my phone starts to ring. It's my mom.

After I talk to my mom I see Blaise and A crying Ginny walk in. When Ginny spots us she runs frantically over to Hermione and hugs her like her life depended on it.

Blaise calmly yet worriedly comes over a hugs me.

"He will be alright. Your family is strong. To damn strong" Blaise says. I nod and we pull apart.

"So," siniffles Ginny "what are they doing about Scorp" Ginny says worried about her God Son.

"He's in the OR" I say. Hermione walks over to me and stays close. I hug her.

"May I ask you guys something" I hear a female voice behind me. "How the hell are you guys always in the hospital."

I turn around and see the one and only Pansy Parkinson's. Or may I say Pansy Nott. "Pansy freaking Nott" I say. She walks over and we hug.

"Hey, don't forget about me" I hear my other best friend say.

"How could I forget you" I say hugging Theo.

"Where have you guys been. I haven't seen you in 3 years since the Twins were born." I ask my friends.

"Travling around the world" says Pansy spinning in a circle, her arms out stretched.

"Of course you were" I joke.

I'm glad to have all of my best friends here at this time.

"Hermione...." Pansy says walkingover to her and hugging her tight.

"Thanks" Hermione says to her crazy best friend.

"So Blaise. Any kids on the way yet" Theo asks Blaise. I see Ginny glare daggers and Theo, I just laugh.

"None of your business" Ginny says with a smirk.

"Formal Weaslett I was asking your husband" Theo says in a joking Manor.

"Nice to see you too Blaise." Ginny says hugging Blaise then Pansy.

We have all become good friends over the years and there are no quarrels between us.

We talk for another 2 hours and then Harry arrives with Luna and Neville.

"Luna Longbottom and Neville Longbottom. Long time no see" Theo says hugging them. We all say our hellos and Neville and Luna hug Hermione and I and keep our hopes up.

Just then a doctor walks out. His shirt and hands bloody.

"Mr. Malfoy. Miss. Granger. Scorpius is-"

CLIFF HANGER!!!!! I'm evil. We talk to you soon-Riley. Also I'm on summer break so I will be updating a lot more.

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