Chp. 12

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-2 years later- Hermione's POV-

Tomorrow is the Twins birthday. Draco is getting the day off of work to be with them. They will be so happy.



"Scorp, Segan, Zinnia! Time for dinner!" I yell up the stairs to my kids.

The Visions still haven't stoped. They just keep repeating over and over in my head. My last one was the one was when I start to run and run to find Draco. They have never gotten any farther then that.

"Coming momma" I hear the twins yell

Then I hear 3 pairs of feet run down the hall way and stairs.

The twins are 2 and Scorpius is 5. And he is already excited for Hogwarts. He is even making the twins over excited about it. He keeps asking "I know I'm 5 but can you pleasssseee ask McGonigal if I can go to Hogwarts! Pleaseeeeee" but every time I answer I say "in 6 years buddy, 6 years.

"Mom, what are we having?" Scorpius asks me.

"Alfraido noodles, and chicken." I answer as I help the twins into their chairs.

"Ok that's good, I thought you would make broccoli soup again." He says with a sigh and then he drags himself up to his chair. I laugh and little then get out the plates.

Scorp is a veryyyy picky eater.

After we finish dinner I go upstairs. Draco is at work but will be home soon. He has been very busy lately. Wish I could see him more. So do the kids.

"Hermione?! Mione?!!" I hear someone yell from downstairs. I shoot up out of bed and run downstairs to see Harry standing there soaked in blood.

Oh no....

"Ha....Harry! What the hell happened!" I yell trembling from head to toe.

"Draco, Voldemort, Hogwarts, back" Harry says out of breath. "Follow." He grabs my hand and Disaperates.

We apperate to Hogwarts to see Draco and Voldemort fighting.

I give a shreak and pull out my wand. But before I can go Harry grabs my hand and pulls me back.

"Then you fucking help them golden boy!" I scream tears streaming down my face. No one is helping Draco!

"AVADA KADAVRA!" I hear. I instantly scream and turn around.


"DRACO!!!" I scream getting out of Harry's grip. I run over to Draco and kneel besides him crying. He grabs my hand and whispers "I love youuuuu" before he.....

"No, no DRACO! NOOO" I scream I crumple right up next to him and cry. "You can't, you can't be, be"

"This is your fault Mudblood" I hear.

"No Voldemort! It's yours!!" I scream standing up and pointing my wand at his throat.

He laughs.

"You made him die by marrying him, it's your vault!" Voldemort says calmly.

"No! It's yours you cast the spell!!" I scream louder.

"Next are your half blood kids!" He says.

I press my wand against his throat harder. "I'm not scared of you!" I yell.

"Mmmhhhmmmm! AVADA KADAVRA!!!" Voldemort yells. I didn't even see his pull out his wand.

Many colorful lights shoot past my eyes. I let out on final scream before I see someone with Bleach blonde hair stand up.

I'm evil. That's all I got to say. Jk. But plz share this! I really want ppl to see my work and stuff! Don't forget to vote and comment. Also sorry I have been gone for so long. I have been very busy. -BYEEEEE-Riley🔥

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