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Hey! I just made a new Dramione and I want you all to read it! Bc I think I did good on it and you all are amazing readers so plz give me some info on my new story! Love ya all!

-Hermione POV- at the doctors

"Mr. Malfoy and Mrs. Granger?" Calls out the nurse.

Draco grabs my hand and squeezes it. We stand up and walk towards the door. My stomach is swirling and I feel nauseous. I don't get why I'm so nervous for my ultra sound this time around. We got threw Scorpius' ultra sounds.

-Flash back- 3yrs ago-

Draco still doesn't know...I can't even face him, call him, or even text him. I'm afraid of how he will react. That night was a accident...he told me in our 8th year when we shared a dorm that he doesn't want kids.... most likely never will.

My child won't have a dad to be there for him or her. They won't be able to have a dad for all then things you need a dad for. I wish my baby could have that but Draco will lash out. Not only would my baby lose its father but I would lose my best friend. The one person I could go to no matter what. Ron, Harry, and pretty much everyone who hates Draco left me when we became friends. Blaise and Pansy fell in love then broke up but they stayed with Draco. Maybe some day we will all be friends again but not soon. So I think.

-end of flash back-

"Hey, Mione you ok?"

"Oh, yeah I was just thinking back to when I was only a couple months with Scorp...we made it though it! And Harry and Ginny became my friends again! So everything is ok! Right?"

"You don't need to worry Hermione! The baby will be just fine. I will make sure of it." Draco said trying to comfort me.

I have no idea why but I have this really bad feeling like things are going to happen. That our family will break...that can't happen. Please God don't let that happen.

A tear slides down my face and Draco wipes it off my face. And kisses my forehead as I sit onto the ultra sound bed.

I weakly smile and hold his hand tighter. This...this gut feeling. It's not good and it won't go away.

-Flash forward-

"DRACO!!!" I scream.

"Tell....tell them I love em..." Draco says while choking on his tears.

Tears stream down my face as Harry pulls me back from my husband.

"Let go of me!!" I scream trying to pry Harry off of me.

"Hermione! Leave him! Go home to the kids! Leave him!" Harry says holding me tighter to his chests.

My body goes limp. I'm so tired and I can't breath. All I can do I cry and try with all I can to get out of Harry's hold.

"I can't leave him!! I love him!!! DRACO!!!! DRACO DONT LEAVE!!" I yell. But all he does is look back at me. I see a tear slid down his face and then he turns around and starts to walk away again.


He can't.


-End of Flash Forward-

Draco wipes one more tear away as the nurse and him pull up my shirt and put on the gel.

"Ok. So are you guys ready?" The nurse asks

I nod my head and she spreads the gel. I see the baby. Or babies.

"Woah!" Draco says mouth wide open.

"Two?" I say showing no emotion.

"Yeah....Two." The Nurse didn't even know!

"Wow..." me and Draco manage to say.

"Ok, so baby A is a girl.....Anddddd baby B is a Boy! Congrats!"

"Are they ok?" I ask urgently

She swirled the gel a couple more times and then speaks.

"Perfect. Except you need to eat a little more because since you are having twins you need more nutrients. Or baby B might not get enough and die."

"Ok thank you." Draco says wiping off the gel with a paper towel.

We walk out of the room. My head hurts and my knees are very weak. I'm leaning against Draco thinking about what I saw. That's scary....I'm not going to let that happen to me and the kids....even if I die doing it because they NEED a loving father like Draco.

Sorry this is kind of short. But I hope this leaves you wondering more about then Past and Future. I wanted to keep writing her Flash Forward but I made myself stop because I can't give it away. BWAHAAHHHAH. I'm definitely a Slytherin.....Pottermore Approved! SLYTHERIN PRIDE BABY!!!! Ok bye now! Keep reading if u want to find out what happens later bwahahhahahah. Bye love ya sweets~Riley😏😘

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