Chp. 13

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-Draco POV-😱

"HERMIONE!!" I yell running over to the falling body. "Fuck, ffuck!"

"How the hell are you alive!" I hear a angry Voldemort. I just ignore him and pick up Hermione. We apperate to St. Mungo's.

"Someone, someone help!" I yell. I see two nurses run over to us.

"Yes sir?!" They say urgently.

"My wife was hit by the killing curse!" I say rapidly.

"Oh we can't help....she's gone." The brown haired nurse says.

"No, her heart is still beating." The blonde one says putting her hand on Hermione's chest. "Follow me! Now!" She says. We start to run to the Emergency wing.

When we get there.  There are already a room full of doctors. I set her on the bed and they start to connect her to a bunch of machines.

Once they finish I sit next to her and hold her hand in silence until a doctor taps me on the shoulder. I turn around to show him he has my attention.

"Mr. Malfoy your wife will be ok but I'm not sure about the baby. It's only 1 1/2 months." The doctor says.

Baby, she never told me about a baby. Did she know? How? Will I know how but when?!

"Oh, a baby?" I say not thinking about my words.

"Did you guys not know you were have a child?" The doctor says seriously.

"No." I simply answer.

My stomach is twisting in knots and I found out I'm having another kid. When will Hermione wake up. Did she even know. So many questions are circling my head and so many emotions are filling my chest. I feel like my heart is about to explode.

"I'll be right back." The doctor says exiting the room.

I check my phone and it's only 4am. I call my mom and tell her everything and ask her to watch the kids. I can't believe this, every year for the twins birthday we are at the Hospital. 1st- They got sick. 2nd-Scorp broke his arm. And this year.

Hopefully we will have a regular year soon.

"Mr. Malfoy, The Zabinis are here." A nurse says walking into the room.

Yeah yeah, I know it's short. But I'm having writers block. But plz vote. Comment. And share! Byreeeee-Riley

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