Chp. 24

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-2 weeks later- Dracos POV-

Scorpius is all healed and our house is full of laughter again. The twins were so happy to see him again that they articles him when he walked through the door. He swore to us that he would never go into that wing again. But we still don't know who or what attacked him.

Right now He is at school and so are the twins. All of the kids know why he was out of school and I owled the teacher to tell her that he is fine.

-3 months later- St. Mungo's-

"Mione! Just breath!" I say holding her hand as take her into the Delivery Room. We are having a natural birth because the baby's are nice and healthy.

"AHH FUCK!" She yells. We arrive into the room and we instantly set her into the bed. The doctors rush in and get straight to work.

-15 hours later-

The Triplets were born.

2nd-Boy (Leo Harry Malfoy)

"Mr Malfoy. Mrs. Granger. What have you named the first baby boy?" The doctor asks

"Baby 1 is Theo Orion Blaise Malfoy"

"Baby 2?"

"Is Leo Harry Malfoy"

"Baby 3"

"Cleo Ginny Pansy Malfoy"

-Hermione's POV-

He writes them all down on Certificates and hands them to us. I get Theo and Cleo.  Draco gets Leo.

Leo is like Teddy. Right now his hair is blonde because he is with Draco. But the other two don't have hair right now.

Draco gots out to the waiting room with Leo to show everyone. He will be telling the Leo's name but when they all come in when I tell them the other babies names.

-Dracos POV-

Everyone jumps up as soon as I enter the room. Ginny and Pansy run over to me and see the baby.

"He's so cute!!!" They squeal "what's his name!"

By this time they have all come over to us. "We'll he is Leo Harry Malfoy" I say

"O I forgot they named him after me! And he is like Teddy." Harry says. Then Leo's hair turns Brown meaning he wants his mom.

"He wants Hermione." I say looking down at my sons soft hair. "You guys can come in the room."

All five of our best friends follow us into the hospital room. The girls squeal when they see the other two. "Careful. They are new borns" Hermione laughs as two of her best friends run over to her. Cleo is asleep and Theo is looking around the room in wide eyes.

"I want to know their names" Theo says walking to Hermione.

"Will you give us a second" she laughs.

I put Leo in his bed and take Theo into my arms. I don't want to disturb Cleo's Cat Nap.

"His hairs brown" Hermione laughs looking over at Leo.

"Yeah yeah. Now what are the names!" Theo says stoping his foot.

-Hermione's POV-

Me and Draco look at each other. "Ok this is our baby girl. She is the youngest by 20 minuets of Leo, who is the second oldest. She is 63 minutes away from the oldest. Her Name is Cleo Ginny Pansy Malfoy" I say smiling when I say her name. When I say her name j look down at the sleeping baby in my arm.

I look up and see Pansy and Ginny's mouths wide open. "THEIR NAMED AFTER US!!!" They shout. This wakes up Cleo and she starts to cry very loud. That triggers Theo and Leo to cry.

I sigh and start to rock her. "Gin please take Leo out" I say to Ginny who takes out Leo and starts to rock him in her arms. Me and Draco do the Same.

After they calm down I see what their eyes look like. They are all Grey. I though Brown was the dominant Gene.

"I though Brown was the dominant Gene" I say.

"Haha no. Malfoy genes are the strongest." Draco says still rocking Theo. Hopefully he will fall asleep.

"And this is Theo Orion Blaise Malfoy"

Blaise and Theo walk cauchiodly up to baby Theo. The look down at his bright grey eyes and grab his tiny hand in theirs.

"Hi baby" they both say.

"Hey look. Theo can be nice." Draco laughs. He exaggerated the 'can'

"Only when it comes to Baby Theo" he shoots back. 

"Yeah yeah. Sure." Draco rolls his eyes.

Then Pansy steps in "woah wait! Why dose the baby have Theos Name!"

"Because we wanted all the names to match with each other. And we couldn't think of another name that goes with Leo and Cleo" I exclaim.

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