Chp. 17

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Hey. I have 2 other Dramiones that I think you guys should check out. I have 'My Sweet Baby' and 'Our Start'. Plz go check them out.

-2 weeks later-Hermione POV-

"Scorpius take care of the dog please!" I yell to my son who is playing video games in the living room.

"One minute mum!" He yells back clearly distracted


"Fine". A couple seconds later I see my blonde 6yr old son run into the dog room and call for Bane.

"Go,go Bane," I say to the dog who is laying by my feet as I cook. Eventually we get Bane (at the top) into the dog room. He loves the kitchen and not because of the food. It's because....well we don't really know why.  But he is a really pick eater so it's not because of the food.

"Scorp can you go get the twins and tell them lunch is done please."

"Ok" Scorpius says running up the mansion stairs and to the right where the twins rooms are.

A couple minutes later 6 feet come running down our stairs. Their tacos are all set out with everything they like. Scorp-Soft shell with cheese, meat, lettuce. Zinnia-Hard Shell, cheese, meat, lettuce, tomato. Segan-Walking Taco.

They all like such different foods this is one of the few things they all like, tacos.

Draco is out at work. He is building a new hotel because his hotels are running out of rooms because so many people are staying in them. Right now he is designing the outside and maybe a little of the inside.

We have a design plan for the Triplets nursery right now. It looks so nice and sweet. But we aren't finished yet with the design.

We found out the Genders a couple days ago. Two Boys and One Girl. The Kids will be naming Baby A, who is a boy. Right now they are fighting over wether he should be name Jaxson or Liam.

Me and Draco have already picked out the names for the other two Baby's.

"Mommy, Scorpius is telling us that we don't have middle names. Do we?" My Daughter asks me. I laugh and little and smile.

"Of course you guys have middle names. Zinnia yours is Eliza and Segan yours is Finn."

"Segan Finn Malfoy" Segan repeats proudly.

"Zinnia Eliza Malfoy" Zinnia smiles.

"I picked them out" I hear Draco say. I look over to the front door and see him leaning on it. I laugh and smile.

"You can't take all of the credit, I pick Segans" I defend with a smile plastered on my face.

"You did?" Segan said intrigued

"Yes, and Zinnia" I say looking towards my only Daughter "you father chose yours." I say

"Makes sense" Zinnia laughs

"What does that mean missy Zinn" Draco said walking over to our Daughter.

"Means my dad is weird, but I like it" Zinnia Giggles

"So you do or don't like your middle name" Draco says kissing Zinnia on the forehead.

"I love it" Zinnia said patting her dads head.

"Good" Draco Chuckles while kissing me ok the cheek.

"What's up with you and your happy mood"

"Nothinnnnn" Draco says childishly.

"Yeahhh sureeee" I laugh.

"You'll find out later" Draco says with a light chuckle. "So have you guys decided on the baby's name yet?"

"Yeah it's Leo Harry Malfoy" The kids chant together.

"Awe, you guys named him after Uncle Harry!" I exclaim with tears in my eyes.

"Yeah we thought you would like it" Answers Scorpius.

"We love it" answered Draco.

For the rest of the day we went on normally. Draco went back to work until 4pm and around 8:30 we put the kids to bed. Even though Scorpius fights to stay up later then the twins because he is older. But we always tell him no.

Now for the surprise.

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