Chp. 23

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"Hermione! I want to shower!" Draco Whins

"Then use the kids bathroom" I say calmly

"I don't wanna"

"You act like a kid so you should use kid stuff"

"Butthole" Draco Mumbles

"Exactly. You have proven my point" I say smirking.

-Next week-Draco POV-

"Ok Segan, Zinnia, time to go to school"

"When will Scorp be back" My daughter asks me

"I'm not sure" I pause and smile at my 4years olds "hopefully soon"

"Ok, when are you and mommy getting married"

"Soon after Scorpius is back"

"Well he better get back soon. You haven't gotten married for 6 years. You have had kids for 6 years. Dang"

"That's true. We are just happy where we are and I guess we don't want to ruin it." I pick up Segan and Zinnia in both arms. "Now let's go munchkins"

I apperate to their preschool because they are now able to handle being apperated.

"Bye guys"

"Bye Daddy!" My Twins Chant

I'm about to apperate back home when I hear the teacher call mg name. "Yes"

"Zinnia and Segan have been using their Magic. They developed early I guess. I just don't think it is safe to use it here."

"Oh I haven't seen them use magic yet but if they do it just sit them out. That is what I did with their older brother when he used his magic unsafely." I tell Miss. Knox.

I apperate out and to the hospital. I walk down the halls with Hermione and we see a bunch of doctors in Scorps room. We look at eachother. Her eyes lighten with hope and we race down to the room. One in there we see him regaining consciousness. Hermione smiles and walks as close as she can to him. I follow

He is mumbling. But when is eyes caught on us he cried and sobed "I'm so sorry" over and over again before passing back out.

"Is he ok!" Hermione yells.

"He's fine." The docter told us with a smile.

Hermione jumps into my arms and cries happy tears. "We have been crying too much Mione"

"Who cares" she said pecking me on the lips. "I have to call everyone!" She said taking out her muggle phone.

She calls everyone and they have all apperate her.e. We explain everything and now we are waiting. My mom are taking the twins for the weekend when they get out of school.

"So she you named the Triplets yet?" Asks Pansy.

"Yes, but it's a secret. Well we can tell you one of them. The Scorpius and the twins named him" I look at Harry and smile. "Leo Harry Malfoy"

"They named him after me!" Harry exclaims.

"Yes" says a voice. We all turn around and see Scorpius slightly sitting up in his bed. We all race over to him and me and Draco are by his head.

"Are you ok!" I say kissing his little hand.

"I'm fine. Now. How long have I been out."

"1 month and 3 days" Draco answers.

"Well shit"

"Scorpius watch you mouth." Pansy jokes with a laugh

"Sorry aunt Pansy."

"Nah it's fine".

Sorry this is short but. HES AWAKE YAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYASYSYAYAYAYSYY. Any way. I'm leaving tonight and I won't update until late Sunday. Any way bye-Riley

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