The Room

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The spare room was simple, a double bed made up against one wall, a wardrobe built into the wall opposite the bed. Natural light spilt through a large window which offered a spectacular view of the veggie garden and the deep forest behind it.

She loved it right away.

She left her things there, at the foot of the bed and followed Kyra back into the lounge room, where Edgy had just walked through the front door. Keira jumped up from the couch and threw her arms around him, pressing her lips to his.

"Hey, Kee," he greeted her warmly, returning her hug.

Ashley waited expectantly, hoping he might have some good news regarding her stupid car. He had news, but it wasn't good.

"So, we figured out the problem." He turned to Ashley after a second, wincing, and her heart sank. "There's a problem with the radiator, which is why the car over heated and wouldn't start."

"Is it fixable?" She asked hopefully, sighing with relief when he nodded.

"Yeah," he reassured her. "But we have to order in some parts, which might take a while to get here."


"You can stay here as long as you need to," Kyra reminded her, and she smiled at him gratefully.

It was going to be expensive, she knew that much. Probably so expensive that she'd have to turn around and go straight back home again once it was finished. She might even be lucky if she makes it home. But, at least she had the option to play gypsy for a little longer, here with her new friends.

Stupid bloody cars.

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