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He was like a great forest, his mind had withstood fire and flame, storm and rain.  He had been torn down and regrown in such a way that he stood solid, certain, awakened. When he heard, he listened, when he touched, he felt.  When he saw, he understood.

He was like a great forest, offering protection and sanction to those who would seek shelter, embracing them with all his heart, all the might of the trees, his roots plunging deep into the core of the earth.

He was like a great forest, forever growing and shaping and expanding, connecting with anyone who lost themselves beneath his canopy guiding them with the dappled light that filtered through his leaves to ignite a blazing path they would otherwise have never seen.

She was a seed, laying on the forest floor, ready to awaken and sprout her roots and claim her place among the trees of the forest, to reach her branches toward the sun and grow, her potential for greatness encrypted in every fibre of her tiny being.

She was ready to listen and hear, ready to feel when she touched, ready to open her eyes and truely see.

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