Pilot Part 2/2: Meet the Friends

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Was this a mistake?

In the 3 hours since I landed in the Twin Cities: My baggage was really hard to find, and when I finally found my last bag, it was covered in some lady's shampoo, and then 5 taxis passed by me, spraying slush on me, before I finally got one to take me to St. Paul, then I realize I don't have any paper cash, and the taxi didn't take credit, so the driver kicked me out in front of a pizzeria.

Well, here I am, in front of a pizzeria. I dragged my three bags into the pizzeria, and plopped down in the first booth. Ugh, look at me. I have no idea what I'm doing. I didn't plan where I'm going to stay. I'm probably going to have to stay in a hotel or something.

"Are you Chase Ashton?"
I spun around, and standing in front of my table, were 3 girls and 2 guys.
The owner of the voice was the girl in the middle.

"Yeah, I'm Chase."
"We loved your show!"
"Yeah, we were surprised to hear it got cancelled."
"Me, too. It had good ratings, but the manager decided to cancel it to make room for a crime show set in New York. Like there aren't enough of those."
"Is it okay if we sit with you?"
As they sat down, the waitress came over.

"I'm guessing you 5 want your usuals, but what would you like, new guy?" She looked at me.
"I'll have a pepperoni calzone and a ginger ale."
As the waitress walked away, the guy next to me said, "Calzone guy? Nice."
"I guess we should introduce ourselves. I'm Justin."
Justin had black hair, green eyes, and glasses.
The girl across from him said, "I'm Angela."
Angela had blonde hair and blue eyes.
Next: "I'm Conner."
Conner had brown hair, brown eyes, and has definitely worked out a lot in his lifetime.
Then: "Jean."
Jean had red hair, blue eyes, and flames tattooed down her arm.
And last, but not least, the girl who spoke to me first.
"I'm Kate."
Kate had short brown messy hair and green eyes.
I'm sorry, I'm just not good with descriptions.
Before I forget, I'm dirty blonde with grey eyes.

"So what brings you to Saint Paul?" Kate asked.
I told them everything.
"You just came here without planning ahead?" Angela asked.
"Yeah. I don't even have an apartment."
"You can stay with me and Justin." Conner said.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. We have a spare bedroom, and you don't even have to share our bathroom."
"Sounds great."

As we left the pizzeria, I couldn't help but take a second look at Kate. She was cute, but I wasn't ready to get back to dating just yet.

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