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Kate: "Ok, Chase. Ready for your first game of 'truth or truth?'"
Kate, Connor, Justin, and I were on a Valentine's double date at Lucy's.
Me: "Do your worst."
Kate: "How many ex-girlfriends do you have?"
Me: "12."

As the night went on, we kept playing.

Kate: "Yes. Me and Conner went on one date, but it didn't mean anything, and we decided it would be better to just be friends."

Conner: "I once threw up on a blind datex's shoes."

Justin: "276 times."
Me: "Wow. That is a lot of Star Wars."

In the end, we had a lot of fun.

I was at a fancy restaurant, waiting for a guy I had met online.
Instead, Danny showed up. And he had the nerve to sit at the table.
Me: "Daniel. I'm waiting for date. Go away."
Danny: "I know. So am I. I just wanted to say hello."
Me: "I'm sorry. I'm just grouchy because my date is an hour late."
Danny: "Tell me about it. My online date said she was sitting down already, but you're the only woman in this restaurant who's sitting alone."

DING! (Realization moment)

Danny's eyes widened.
Danny: "DachshundLover16?"
I gulped.
Me: "BritBoy45?"
Danny: "Oh my God."
Me: "Crap on a stick!"
Danny: "Stupid dating service!"
Me: "Well, we're here anyway, so let's just order food, and forget about this."

===3 hours later===
Me: "I love Valentine's Day."
Danny: "Me too."
Me: "Need help finding your shirt?"
Yes, me and Danny had gotten back together.
I guess we waited the right amount of time.
All we needed was a little space, because last time, he was very clingy.
But he promised to wait until I called him to set up another date.

Chase went outside to take a phone call.
Conner: "So how's it going with Mr. Celebrity?"
Kate: "He's great. We are fun together. We..."
Chase came back looking shocked and sad.
Chase: "That was Keith. My dad had a heart attack."
Kate: "What happened?"
Chase: "I don't know, but I need to get to Seaside right now."

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