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I've lived with Justin and Conner for about a month now, and I have finally figured out how many kids are in the house: 6.
- Elisa, 10, is Conner's daughter
- James, 9, is Justin's son
- Julie, 7, is Justin's Daughter
- Conner, Jr, 5, is Conner's son
- Kimmy, 3, is Conner's daughter
- Max, 1, is Justin's son
It was exhausting trying to learn this, but it's essential for survival, because I can't find a good affordable apartment in the area, and I blew all the money I brought to Minnesota on a car. I'm sorry, but if I have to ride in that sticky family minivan again, I'll get sick.

Anyway, it's really hard finding a job in Saint Paul that I'm qualified for. I still haven't found one.
I was doing a job search today when Conner called.
"Hey Conner."
"Hey Chase. Listen, I need a favor."
"Elisa twisted her ankle, so Justin and the kids are at the hospital with us."
"What's the favor you need?"
"Well, you see, not all of the kids are here. James is at a birthday party in Minneapolis. Can you pick him up in about an hour and just take him back to the house?"
"Uh, are you sure? I've never been alone with a kid since I was one."
"Please? I'll owe you one."

I drove to the party venue James was at, and he came out a few minutes later. The drive back to Saint Paul started out in awkward silence.
"So, James... what grade are you in?"
Another minute of silence.
"So, why do you kids call both Conner and Justin 'dad?'"
"Well..." He paused.
"You can tell me. I can keep a secret."
"Okay, fine. Elisa and I want our dads to... get together."
"I knew it."
"Yeah, well, so do Ms. Kate, Ms. Jean, and Ms. Angie. It was actually their idea."
"But I thought you said It was you and Elisa who wanted your dad and Justin to be together."
"Yeah, but we couldn't come up with how to get them together."
"You promise not to tell my dads?"
"I promise."
We got to the house.
"Mr. Chase, you want to play Kinect Sports?"
"Sure. I'm pretty good."
"Well, you haven't seen me play."
"Is that a challenge?"
"We'll see."

"Hello." Elisa's nurse said. "Sorry to hear your ankle's twisted, Elisa."
"Thank you." Elisa said sleepily.
The nurse walked over to us as Elisa went back to sleep.
"You're Conner Hemingway, Elisa's father, right?" She said to me.
She turned to Justin.
"And you must be Justin Jeong, her godfather and the other adult in the household."
"Yes." He said.
"Don't worry, she'll only wear a cast for a week, and she'll be out of it in time for Halloween."
"Thanks." I said.
She walked away, but right before she shut the door, she said: "You know, you two make a great couple."
After she left, Justin and I realized we were holding hands.
"Oh," Justin said, blushing, and taking his hand out from under mine.
We sat in silence for a few minutes while Elisa napped. But we spent most of it staring at the ceiling.
"You think they're right?" Justin asked.
"The kids, Chase, the nurse..."
"Oh. I... don't know."
Then out of nowhere, Justin leaned on my shoulder, and I went along with it and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Remember when you taught me how to kiss?" Justin asked.
"Yeah. It was the night before the 8th grade Halloween party."
"It was also the night I realized I was gay."
"But you waited until Valentine's day to tell me."
"I still can't believe you married a woman just to hide that from your parents."
"Hey, in my defense, they don't take big revelations lightly. They even hated it when the time changed on the clock."
We chuckled a little, then we were silent again.
To be honest, I've always been wondering what Justin and I would be like as a couple. Deep down, I've always wanted to try dating men, but the only man I've ever been the tiniest bit attracted to is...
... Justin.

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