Re-April Fool's

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Justin called me during work. I was in the break room, surrounded by the other personal trainers.
Me: "Feel better, honey. I love you. Wha... no! I'm at work; they'd never let me hear the end of it!"
Theo, Zeke, and Trish were already looking at me.
Me: "Okay, fine. But only because I love you. (Ahem) It's tearing up my heart when I'm with you! But when we are apart, I feel it, too! And no matter what I do, I feel the pa-a-ain! With or without you!"
They cracked up. The things I do for my boyfriend.
Me: "I will get you for this. See you tonight."
I hung up.
Theo: "So, Lance Bass, how's the boyfriend?"
Me: "Common cold. He gets go weird when he's sick. Last year, while he had the flu, I caught him smoking!"
Trish: "Ew! God! Why he pick up the world's most disgusting habit when his body is in it's most vulnerable state?"
Me: "I don't know, but I was able to use reverse psycology and subtle trickery to coax him out of it."

===Ten Months Ago===
Justin was smoking on the back patio, when I came out...
And sprayed him with the hose.
Me: "Put away those handheld killers and come inside for some cough medicine."

Zeke: "That's not subtle!"
Me: "For me it is."
Zeke: "So what's his craze this time?"
Me: "He's teaching himself Norwegian so that he can talk to my grandparents. I guess he's being more realistic for this disease."
Theo: "So how's he doing with the Norwegian?"
Me: "Vel, først kjørte meg opp veggen. Men han er veldig bra nå. Dette vil virkelig vinne ham poeng med min familie." [Well, first it drove me up the wall. But he is very good now. This will really win him points with my family.]
Trish: "Huh?"
Me: "Not important."

===April 1st, 12:01 AM===
Angie's favorite holiday is April Fool's Day. I love seeing how happy she gets when I fall for her pranks. I always try to find the pranks in the wrong places, which is what makes her pranks surprising. Water replaced with white vinegar, pen that squirts vanishing ink, whoopie cushion in the mattress... one time, she tricked into thinking my laptop's hard drive was erased. I was mad at first, but I love her, so I dropped it. Unfortunatly, she is impossble to prank.

I thought I had a shot last year, but then we broke up.

Now that we're back together, I am finally ready to prank her back. I want to prove my worthiness to the Prank Queen.

===April 2nd, 2:30 AM===
Angie: "I still don't know how you managed to get the police to fake arrest me."
Me: "I cashed in a few favours."
Angie: "God, I love your accent."
Me: "Oh, y'do, d'ya guvnah?"
I got her into her bed in the midst of all the laughing, and turned off the light.
Angie: "Oh, come on! You can't drive home when you're that tired! Get in!"

As I lay down next to her, I fell asleep think how lucky I am to be with her.
I love Angie with every fiber of my being.
Maybe I was too clingy during our first relationship, but now I have a clean slate, and I'm trying hard not to make the same mistakes as last time.

I am so bored right now. Being sick sucks. I've already blown through thre Nowegian workbooks (I'm a fast learner), five TV shows, three movies, and two video games. The kids are at Conner's parents' house, and Conner won't be home for another hour. May as well get up and move around.
Ugh, never mind! My brain and legs are useless when I'm sick, unless I have to... uh-oh.

I brought Kate over to the house.
Kate: "Are the kids gone?"
Chase: "Yeah, and I'm pretty sure Justin's asl..."
I heard the bathroom door slam.
Justin: "Geez, when did I have bratwurst?"
Kate: "Quick! Get into the basement before he..."
Justin: "Hey, guys? I need someone to rub ointment on my chest!"
Kate: "Not it!"
She ran downstairs.
Chase: "Cheater!"

What if this wasn't a good idea?
In Los Angeles, I hung out with singers, artists, writers, actors, actresses, agents, and directors.
In Saint Paul, I'm rubbing VapoRub [TM] on a snoring guy I've known for barely eight months.
In Los Angeles, I ate caviar and drank champaigne at the preimere party of my show.
In Saint Paul, I ate stale corn chips and warm soda at Elisa's 11th birthday party.
In Los Angeles, I chatted about politics with the executives at the TV studio.
In Saint Paul, I'm trying to teach immature teenage procrastinaters the basics of sitcom acting, but instead being ignored in favor of social media.
Plus, Saint Paul is further from Seaside than Los Angeles is.
Well, at least I have my friends... who I still barely know. I mean, they're great people, but it's only been 8 months.
But I do have Kate... although we're on thin ice, what with her rising up the attorney ladder and becoming more busy with her job, making her drift away from her boyfriend, the Hollywood wash-up.

Oh God. I have some thinking to do.

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