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Ever since college, Angie, Jean, Conner, Justin, and I have established Lucy's Pizzeria as our hangout. It all started during my freshman year at Hamline university. Conner, Justin, Angie, Jean, and I had to share a housing unit because of a housing crunch. Expect for Justin and Conner, who had been friends since 5th grade, none of us really got along. One night, the five of us were carpooling to a party in Minneapolis, by the harbor on the Mississsippi River, when we got a text from the host saying it was cancelled. Apparently, something about it being illegal to have a party on a boat that isn't yours.

Anyway, we were all hungry, and we were in front of Lucy's Pizzeria, so we decided to go in.
You could say it was a miracle, because while we were waiting for the pizza, we started talking, and after a few rounds of "truth or truth," (Like "truth or dare," but without anything that can get you sick, injured, expelled, and/or arrested) by the time the world's best pizzas and calzones got to our table, we were all friends.

A lot of cool stuff has happened at Lucy's, but Chase walking in off the street back in September  was definitely the best thing that ever happened in the seven years we've been coming here.

Speaking of Chase...
"Hey Chase," I said. "Are you doing anything on Halloween?"
We were waiting for Justin, Conner, Angie, and Jean at Lucy's.
"No. Why?"
"There's this bar in the Mall of America that has a Halloween party every year, and I thought might want to go, maybe get to know more people in the area."
"Hmm. I don't know."
"And I'll set you up with my co-worker Izzy."
I showed him a picture on my cell phone of her at the office Christmas party.
Yup, he was interested.
"Okay then. I'll let her know."

I pulled Angie and Jean aside when they came in.

"Hey, I know we had plans on Halloween, but..."

"Oh no. You not flaking out on us again," Angie said.

"NO! No no no! I'm still going to the party! I'm just bringing Chase."

"Really? Why?" Jean asked.

"He didn't have plans, so I offered to set him up with Izzy."

"Which one's Izzy again?"

I showed them the picture on my cell phone.

"Oh yeah."

"So are all 4 of us sharing a cab?" Angie asked.

"Actually, that might be too crowded, so I thought you guys could ride together, and me and Chase could ride separately," I said.

"Oh, sure. You get to ride with the hot guy."

"What are talking about?"

"We know about your 'little crush' on Chase."

"How do you know about that?"

"Every time 'Surf N' Turf' came on, nothing could take your eyes off the TV."

"Kate, you're 26. You're too old to be starstruck." Jean said.

"For your information, I'm not 'starstruck.' And I'm not setting him up me, I'm setting him up with Izzy. I'n fact, I'll call her right now, in front of you." I said.


I got into my costume for the party, and headed upstairs to wait for Kate.

"So Chase, what are you going as for Halloween?" Justin said from the kitchen.

"A sexy professor."

"How do you dress up as a sexy prof..." He started as we walked into the front room. "WOW!"

"Thank you! Are you sure you and Conner can't come to the party?"

"I wish, but someone has to hand out candy, and someone has to take the kids trick-or treating."

The doorbell rang.

"That must be Kate with the cab. See you later."


A Halloween party at a bar in the Mall of America in Bloomington. Enter a sexy professor and police officer.

Also known as Chase and me.

"So, where's Izzy?" Chase asked.

"She's right over... oh that bitch!"

At the bar, Izzy was making out with a bartender. I walked over to her.

"What the hell, Izzy? I set you up with my actor friend, and you make out with a complete stranger the night of the date?"

"Oh, was that tonight?" she said in a feigned apologetic tone.

"You're still mad about the microwave, aren't you."

"It was my tuna melt, and you know it."

She went back to making out with the bartender, and I went back to Chase, and told him what happened.

"Wow. What a [BLEEP]." he said.

"Yeah. To put it lightly."

"Where are Jean and Angie?"

"They're not here yet."

"Want to just dance to together while we wait for them?"

"Sure." I said, just as a slow song came on.

We went on to he dance floor, went along with the music.

Not awkwardly at all.


"Do you think we'll meet any guys here?" Jean asked as we walked into the bar.

"I'm sure there's going to be plenty of guys to choose from in he... eee..."

Jean and I watched in shock as we saw Chase and Kate making out in the middle of the dancers.

"Huh." Jean said. "I guess Kate was right to be starstruck."


Ugh. I hate November 1st. I have a huge hangover, I still have a bit of a sugar buzz, even after sleeping for hours, and... and this isn't my bedroom.

I slowly turned my head.

Oh my God.

I slept with Kate.

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