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It's been two weeks now, and Chase and I are still in our confusing relationship.

Anyway, he announced some big news at Lucy's today.
"I got a job!"
We cheered.
"What's the job?" I asked.
"I'm teaching sitcom acting at the Youth & Teen Center."
"I know! This is going to be great."
"Hey," said Jean. "Let's celebrate at Finnigan's."
Finnigan's was our favorite pub. But Chase and I looked at each other.
"Uh..." I said. "I don't know if we should go to a bar."
"Oh, please!" Angie said. "You've got to get over that! It was the one time six weeks ago!"
"Actually..." Chase began.
It took a moment of awkward silence before Conner figured it out.
"Oh my God! Thanksgiving?!"
"What is it with you two and holidays?" Justin said.
"Okay, look," I said. "We'll go to the bar, but if anything romantic happens between me and Chase, clonk our heads together."
"I'll do my best," joked Conner.

We were at the bar.
"So what do you think of Finnigan's?" Kate said.
I was looking away and not speaking to her.
"Oh, come on! We have to get past this." She said.
"Let's just be friends."
"We can try it, but I don't see how that could work."
"Oh, come on! Ross and Rachel were friends for 10 years, and they had a roller coaster of a relationship."
"That's different. Friends is a sitcom."
"You know what I mean."
"You know what, you're right. There's no reason to awkward around each other anymore."
We went back to our drinks.
"You know," I said. "If this was really a sitcom, the scene would change right about now."

Justin and I had a double date on Friday. Here's how it went:

Justin's date was Ken, a high school basketball coach, with toned muscles, blonde hair, and green eyes.
My date was Yasmine, a nurse, with long brown hair, brown eyes, and a beautiful smile.
And also...
"You're from Saint Cloud?" I said.
"So am I!"
"Yeah, but My parents moved to the city when my mom got a job offer."
Meanwhile in the other side of the booth Justin and Muscles were playing tonsil tennis.
"Do you want to go to the lounge, where no one is making out at full volume?" I asked Yasmine.

We went into the lounge, were we got to know each other some more.
That's when her phone rang.
"Ugh. That's just my ex. He's been trying to back together with me."
She pressed "ingore" and put her phone away.
We tried talking more, but her phone rang again.
Then a third time.
By the eighth time, she gave in and answered.
"Alright, look you bastard, nothing will make me change my m... oh, wow... aw, that's so sweet! I would love to!"
She got up.
"Bye, Conner."
And she leaft.

I got a text from Justin just as she went out the door.
"Hey, Conner. I'm spending the night at Ken's... if you know what I mean. LOL. Later."

Terrific. My date ditched me, my best friend ditched me, and I'm stuck paying the bill. $50 total.
My life rocks.

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