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Conner, Justin, Angie, Jean, and Kate flew to Oregon with me.
Me: "Thanks for coming with me, guys."
We were currently on the bus heading from Astoria Regional Airport to Seaside Hospital.
Kate: "We're here for you."
Angie: "You're a part of our group now, and in this group, when something happens, we drop everything and help. I even rescheduled my date date with D..."
She stopped and blushed.
Jean: "No! You and Danny are back together?"
Angie: "Yep."
Me: "Okay, you've never really told me who Danny is, exccept for your, you know... pornographic break-up story."
Angie: "Yes, ha ha. All right. Um, he's this British Doctor from Gibraltar who transferred here 5 years ago, and he just recently became a citizen."
Justin: "And when Angie got a nursing job at the hospital, Danny sent her to Droolville, population her."
Angie whacked him with her purse.
Justin: "OW! What is in there?!"

Bus Driver: "Seaside Hospital. All passengers for Seaside Hospital get off here."
I sighed.
Me: "All right. Here we go."

I walked into my father's room.
I can't believe it. The guy who built our house, the guy who coached my high school football team, the guy who carried his parents and sister out from a burning RV, the guy who patroled the streets of Seaside for 15 years, I just couldn't believe that that guy, my father, was here.
Dad: "Chase."
Keith, Mom, and Aunt Claire were there.
I almost broke down crying as I saw my dad in the hospital bed.
Doctor: "Hello, Mr. Ashton."
Me: "So what happens next?"
Doctor: "Well, it doesn't look good. He might have a heart failure."
Me: "Oh, God."
Dad: "Listen, Doc. Can I have a moment alone with Keith and Chase?"
Doctor: "Of course."

Soon, it was just me, Keith, and my father in the room, alone.
Dad: "Boys, you have been an important part of life, and you know it. Before I go..."
Me: "Dad, no..."
Dad: "Listen to me. Before I go, you boys know that you are in the will, but there is something I wanted to give you both before I..."
Keith: "Uncle Dave, please..."
Dad: "Let me finish."
He gave Keith and I each a ring box.
Dad: "Chase, that is the engagement ring I gave your mother, and Keith, you are holding the one you father gave your mother. I want you boys to promise not to give anyone those rings unless they are absolutely special."
Keith and I were standing there, sobbing.
Me: "Promise."
Keith: "Promise."
Dad: "Come here, boys."
We hugged, and didn't let go until Aunt Claire and Mom came in.
Mom: "May we have our turn?"

===15 Minutes Later===
Me and Keith were in the hospital cafeteria, eating, and waiting for the verdict.
Keith: "Remember how he reacted when you told him you wanted to be an actor?"
Me: "Yeah. Remember when you got the ear gauges?"
Keith: "Heh, well... you know."
Me: "Why did you get those anyway?"
Keith: "To look tough, why else?"
Me: "Well, anyway, dad always ended up supporting us, even if it took some time."
Keith: "Yeah."

The doctor came over to our table.
Doctor: "Mister Ashton and Mister Reynard?"
We knew what was going on before he said it.

I was talking to Regina.
Me: "The service was beautiful, Mrs. Ashton."
I hugged her, and moved to Chase.
Me: "I'm sorry for your loss."
I hugged him, and moved to Claire.
Me: "Just remember he's in a better place."
I hugged her, and moved to Keith.
Me: "How are you holding up?"
Keith: "I still can't believe the man who took me in is passed."
Chase: "I know. But at least he's with your parents, and Nana and Pop."

After the funeral, Chase took us to a candy store called "Simon's."
Me: "Is this the place?"
Chase: "Yup."
Conner: "Oh, yeah. The place where you had your 'special treat.'"
Chase looked at him wide eyed.
Conner: "Kate told me."
Chase: "Oh, and what you did at the art museum in 12th grade is no comparison?"
Conner gasped.
Chase: "Oh yeah! Justin talks, too!"
The five of us went in (Jean stayed behind to comfort Keith).

???: "Hello, pervert."
The cashier glared at Chase.
Chase: "Hello, Simon. Still not letting it go, huh?"
Simon: "I'm sorry for your loss, but I still can't forgive you for how you defiled my store."
I whispered to Chase.
Kate: "Wasn't that 14 years ago?"
Chase: "He still holds a grudge with a guy from his high school."

We sat down at a window table, waiting for our ice cream.
Chase: "Hey, remind me to get some Sea Foam before we leave."
Connor: "Sea foam?"
Chase: "Oh, that's what we call Honeycomb Toffee here in the Pacific Northwest. You know, those lumps of burnt sugar covered in chocolate?"
Connor: "Oh! You mean sponge candy! That's what we call it in Saint Paul."
Chase: "Well, whatever you call it, Simon makes the best."
Simon: "You would know. After your orgy, you, Tori, and Cody ate an entire box."
Everyone but Chase stifled a laugh as Simon set down our ice cream.
Chase: "We were hungry!"
I clinked my glass.
Me: "I propose an ice cream toast."
We raised our bowls.
Me: "Here's to Dave Ashton. Son, Brother, Father, Husband, Uncle, Friend, Officer, Coach, Lifesaver, Citizen, and Role Model. The man who raised my boyfriend. I've only seen him 3 times since I met Chase, but he was a great man. His life will be remembered by everyone who knew him. To Dave!"
Everyone: "DAVE!"

We were staying at the Ashton house.
I was sleeping in the guest room, when I felt someone shake my arm.
I screamed, and pepper sprayed them.
Jean: "OW! What the [BLEEP], Angie?"
Me: "Jean?"
I turned on the light.
Me: "Jesus Christ! I thought you were an intruder!"
Jean: "If I was an intruder, the alarm system would've gone off!"
Me: "It's 1am! What the hell do you want?"
Jean: "Look, I need advice."
Me: "Then call a 900 number! Don't wake me up in the middle of the night!"
Jean: "Keith offered me a job."
I calmed down.
Me: "What do you mean?"
Jean: "At his garage up in Astoria. It's better pay, better benefits than back in Saint Paul, and I get to be with Keith all day long."
Me: "Well, you hardly know him. You slept together six weeks ago, and just now reunited."
Jean: "Actually, we've been Skyping every night since he left after New Year's. We've gotten to know eachother a lot, we have a lot in common, and I'm wanting to say yes."
Me: "But Jean, your whole life is in Saint Paul."
Jean: "I don't know. My boss hates me, I still don't talk to my parents, and my brother is deployed in Afghanistan. The only part of my life in Saint Paul that I'm enjoying is hanging out at Lucy's with you and the others."
Me: "Well, it's your decision. But maybe before you decide, it would be best to patch things up with your brother and parents, and tell your boss to shove it up his-"
Jean: "You're right. I'm going to do it, but I have to tie up all my loose ends. Thanks for... talking to me."
Angie: "You're welcome. Now go back to bed."
She got up, and started walking, but hit the wall.
Jean: "Pepper spray still hasn't worn off."
Angie: "Sorry."

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