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I walked into Lucy's, and just took everything in. The surprise farewell party, my loved ones, the restaurant that I've loved since college.
It's almost midnight, though. The party has been so...
... I guess it's time.


Me: "Chase, we've only known you seven months, but you're a big part of my life."
Chase: "Thank you. I really hope you and Keith are happy together."
Me: "Oh, Keith is great. He is the greatest lov..."
Chase gave me "the look."
Me: "Never mind."


Kate: "I'm really going to miss you, Jean. I wish you good luck in Astoria."
Me: "Thanks, but I think I drank a little too much 'luck' last night."
Kate cracked up.
Kate: "Yeah. I'm glad you stayed for Saint Patty's Day."
Me: "Me too. God, I am going to miss Minnesota."
Kate: "Minnesota will miss you, rainbow unicorn."
Me: "Okay, I think you've had enough, Ms. Attorney-Who-Needs-to-Work-Tomorrow."


Me: "You guys were made for each other, and before I leave, I just want to tell you I don't have more faith in amy other couple than I do in you two."
Conner: "Thank you."
Justin: "That's sweet."
I leaned in to whisper.
Me: "Don't tell Kate, Chase, Danny, or Angie I said that."
Conner: "Secret's safe."


Me: "Angie, Danny, I wish good things for you two."
Danny: "Thank you, Jean. I wish good things for you, too."
Angie: "Ditto..."
Me: "Angie? Are you crying?"
She fell into my arms, and sobbed into my shoulder.
Danny: "Sorry about her."
Me: "It's fine. She did this during the Superbowl, too."
Danny: "Really?"
Me: "Yeah. She gets surprisingly emotional about chicken wings."


Me: "Mom, Dad. I hope there is no more bad blood between us."
Dad: "Don't worry about it, hon. It went on too long, I'm just glad we're talking again."
Mom: "Have fun in Astoria."
I looked at her questioningly.
Me: "Really? That's it? You usually chime in with judgement right about now."
Mom: "Well... those pants make you look a little chubby."
Me: "That's my mom!"
The three of us hugged.


Me: "Steve, I'm sorry the first day you're back home had to be the last day I'm here."
Steve: "No worries, little sis."
Me: "No, really. You are a brave man, fighting for our country, and there is nothing big enough in the world that I can do to thank you for your service."
Steve: "Well thank you. Good luck in Astoria."


Lucy: "You were one of my favorite customers."
Me: "Thank you, Lucy. I'll especially miss you."
Lucy: "I'll miss you too, Janice."
It's been almost a decade. I can't correct her now.


Keith: "Before we head off, I think Jean would like to say a few words."
Me: "I just want to thank you all for a wonderful life in Saint Paul. But now it's time to start a new chapter in my book, and that chapter is full of
There was some laughter, but it probably wasn't that funny.
Me: "Saint Paul will always be my home, and I will miss all of you."
Angie raised her wine.
Angie: "To Jean!"
Everyone raised their glasses.
Everyone: "To Jean!"
Lucy: "Who the hell's Jean? This is Janice's party!"

Hey, she's 95. I can't correct her now.

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