Re-Snow Day

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Saturday Afternoon.
Justin and Conner were in Saint Cloud for a family emergency, so I was watching their kids. Something I have never done before. I've never babysat one kid, yet alone six.
I went with my first instinct: asking them if they just wanted to watch TV.
That's what they've been doing for the past hour. Until...
"Mr. Chase! The power's out!" Elisa said.
Uh oh. What do I do?
"Can we go sledding at the park?" James asked.
Okay! Sledding! Great idea!

When we got to the park, the kids raced to a hill, and I plopped down on a bench. Oh, call me an irresponsible babysitter, but after the Youth & Teen Center decided to give every class a different classroom, and put up a different schedule, and remodel the pool, a crazy week is a good excuse not to go sliding down a hill, and into what I'm hoping is just an abandoned snow fort.
Nope. Rose bush.

===5 minutes later===
Me and James walked out of the bathroom.
"Okay," I told him. "Your skin isn't broken, but what have we learned?"
"Read the sign before you slide into a people shredder."
"Close enough."

The power was back on when we got home, so I put in the movie Kids of the Ghost Train, the only other success in my acting career, and made cocoa.

Justin and Connor got back an hour after I got the kids to bed.
"So, how'd it go?"
"Great," said Connor. "My dad doesn't have to go to the hospital after all. Turns out it wasn't appendicitis."
"Really? Then what was it?"
"Just a reaction to him drinking an entire bottle of hot sauce."
"Never question the Hemingways," said Justin. "They're decended from vikings, so they like a challenge."

Danny has been taking over my mind lately.
Luckily, my boss gave me the day off. I just lied and told him I had diarrhea, and believe me, no follow-up questions.
A day at the spa is the thing I need to clear my m-Danny?
There he was, behind the counter. Crap on a stick. I forgot he moonlit here as a medical consultant.
But I already breathed in the aromatherapy, so it's to late to turn back.
Um... Ooh! I'll cover my face with this magazine while I pay!

"Hi Angie."
Shoot. He saw me right before I touched the magazine.
I went over and payed the 30 bucks.
"Enjoy the spa, you cold-blooded bitch," he growled.
"Thanks, Danny (2-malpractice-lawsuits) Koivisto."

I changed into the robe, and got nto the steam room.
"I heard that spat between you and the doctor guy. He an ex?"
It was really foggy, so I had no idea who said that. But I went along.
"Yeah. Horrible breakup."
"What happened?"
"I'd really rather not tell anyone yet."
"Don't worry, hun. I have no idea where your voice is coming from, so I have no idea who you are, therefore why would I tell anyone?"
"Good point."
"Tell us!"
"Okay. I broke up with him... during sex."
"WHAT?!" Numerous people hollered at the same time.

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