Re-Fourth Of July

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===Chase's Bedroom, July 3rd, 11:00 PM===
Me: "Look, just go ahead and say what you want to say! Say what you've been holding back for the past month!"
Kate: "Fine! I don't want you to do that movie! I don't want you to be famous! I want a normal boyfriend! Not one who is going to become a huge success, and suddenly become so extremly busy and focused on his work, he starts to forget about me!"
Me: "You mean the same thing that's happening to you with your attorney career?"
Kate: "Excuse me?"
Me: "You know what I'm talking about! You've become more 'Kate the Lawyer' than 'Kate the Girlfriend' lately. It's like your entire life revolves around your career! You've been drifting away from me!"
Kate: "It's my career! It's important to me!"
Me: "What about my career? It's important to ME!"
We took a few minutes to take some deep breaths.

Kate: "Who are we kidding? This relationship was doomed to fail. Our relationship was build on infatuation!"
Me: "And maybe it's a sign that we are going to be states apart for the next few months."
Kate: "So I guess there's really nothing left to do except..."
Me: "...break up."

===July 4th, 9:30 PM, Neighborhood Park===
Me: "So it's just us?"
Conner had set up a picnic date for us to watch the fireworks.
Conner: "Yep. The older kids are at summer camp, the younger ones are with my aunt in Boston, Angie and Danny are in Duluth with her family, Kate said she had to catch up on work, and Chase... you know."
Oh, yeah. Chase hasn't been out of his room since yesterday. He said he's studying the script, but I think something else is going on.
Me: "Wow. The fireworks are beautiful."
Conner: "Not as beautiful as you."
I blushed. I can't beleive I'm lucky enough to have him.
Conner: "Listen, I brought you here for a reason, but it's not for the Fourth of July."
I looked at him, and he was no longer on his chair.
He was on the ground, on one knee, holding a ring box.
Conner: "Will you marry me?"
Me: "Uh... I... Ah... Um..."
Holy crap! I've always loved Conner, but this is a huge surprise! But I know with all my heart, Conner is the one. He's my best friend, even from before we were dating! I've known him since 5th grade, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him.
Conner: "Justin? Will you?"

Me: "Yes."
He put the ring on my finger.
Me: "I love you, Conner."
Conner: "I love you, too, J-Where''s the ring?"
Justin: "It fell onto the grass."
Conner picked up the ring.
Conner: "We should get this resized."
We chuckled, and went back to watching our first firework show as fiances.

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