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Everyone except me: "WHAT?!"
Kate, Jean, Chase, Conner, Justin, and I were sitting at our booth at Lucy's, and their jaws were on the table.
Chase: "You can't do that! 'Don't break up during sex' is the most important law out there!"
Me: "What about the Constitution? Or the other federal laws?"
He thought for a moment.
Chase: "'Don't break up during sex' is the most important unwritten law out there!"
Kate: "Why would you do that?"
Me: "We were drifting apart, so I was going to break up with him anyway, but it just slipped out at the wrong moment."
Jean: "Were you thinking at all?"
Me: "Of course not! The brain goes into 'freestyle mode' during activities like this!"
Connor: "Really? Blaming the...?"
Angie: "Look can we PLEASE stop talking about how I broke up with Danny, and what we were doing when it happened?"
Justin: "Hey, isn't that Danny?"
I looked behind me to see Danny at the counter, apparently overhearing the entire conversation.

I leapt out of the booth, and tried to get to my car, but I felt a hand stop me.
Danny: "Angie..."
Me: "I know. I'm sorry. I shouldn't've told them."
Danny: "It had to slip out sometime. But why wait until a year after our breakup?"
Me: "I don't know. I guess I wasn't ready to admit something that embarrassing."
We walked together to my car.
Danny: "I have to confess something. I'm not over you yet."
Me: "Me neither. But we were drifting apart, and I figured we needed space for a while."
Danny: "Angie. I want to get back together."
Me: "I'm sorry. I need more time."
Danny: "I've already waited a year. I can wait another year if I have to."

I slipped on my jersey in my bedroom.
Conner: "Chase! Come on! The game's about to start!"
I went upstairs... to find 30+ people in Minnesota Vikings gear, staring at me, in my Seattle Seahawks jersey.
Conner: "Really?"
Me: "Uh..."
Connor: "Grandma. Cool it."
Justin: "Well, bright side: at least he's not of fan of th..."
Then, the door opened.
Kate: "Hell...oh."
Ladies and gents, my girlfriend, the Green Bay Packers fan.

===15 minutes later===
After some very hurtful words were exchanged, the Superbowl finally started.
Me and Kate were in the kitchen getting snacks.
Me: "Hey, don't listen to them. Football does things to people. I'd probably act the same way if someone came in here wearing 49ers gear."
Kate: "Yeah. You know, my dad is the reason I love the Packers. He won season passes when I was 10, and he took me to every home game that year. We would take an overnight road trip from Stevens Point to Green Bay each time."
Me: "So what is Steven's Point like?"
Kate: "Based on your stories about Oregon, I'd say Steven's Point is Wisconsin's Seaside, but without the beaches and Lewis and Clark memorabilia."
Me: "Funny."

The kids were asleep, Chase was in his room, the house was clean, and Justin and I had the night to ourselves.
Justin: "Well, what do you want to do before we go to bed?"
Me: "Why don't we go to bed before we go to bed?"
Justin: "Okay."

I love the honeymoon phase.
But I don't think our first fight as a couple will be too bad, considering what we already know about each other.

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