His Queen.

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You don't miss the look that most of the students send you as you walk by them, that admirable stare. You had started to receive these looks when you began dating the school's bad boy; Eustass Kid.

It's been about a year now since you and him first got together, it all start when you had found that you had the biggest crush on the redhead and he'd often catch you staring at him in class but shockingly, he didn't make fun of you for it like he did the other girls. No, he ended up simply asking you on a date and now here you are. 

[F/n]; the school's queen. Not that you act like some 'Queen Bee' bitch though, you simply don't have the heart.

"Nerd!" The male's voice being the first thing you hear upon pulling out your earphones, your orbs watching in complete displeasure as he launches a sponge covered with wet, red paint at another student.

The sponge hitting a student with tan skin, a baggy hoodie and dark hair. This causes Kid's friends to crack up naturally, although the tan guy doesn't look too bothered about being hit despite the large splodge of paint now decorating his clothing. "Real mature." The apparent nerd deadpans before waltzing off calmly.

If you had to guess, you'd say he hadn't slept properly in months considering his bags are as dark as charcoal and his pupils are extremely dilated. "Kid!" You promptly scold your boyfriend before giving him a swat across his arm as a pout etches itself into your features. 

You always tell him off when he starts picking on people, a lot of the students are thankful for it too. Although, admittedly, it's because you're more worried about Kid. You fear that one day he'll pick a fight with the wrong guy and get himself hurt. 

"Huh?" The redhead grunts darkly at the harsh contact, his eyes falling into a glare but only for a moment. The second his sights land on you, a smile breaks out across his lips and his golden orbs immediately soften. "H-Hey babe! Sorry, I didn't see you there!"

Of course you didn't.

Despite this guy having a badass reputation, he's also got a massive soft spot for 'his queen' and won't do anything to upset you and yes, that means he'll even stop picking on nerds too. Unfortunately; he slips up sometimes and doesn't notice you until it's too late or forgets that it bothers you, so you have to set him straight.

"Trafalgar deserves it, [F/n]!" Another voice blurts, one of Kid's friend's stepping forward and earning himself an instant frown from you. You're not even a bit surprised that it's Bellamy, he's always opening his fat mouth.

"Oh? Because he's a nerd, right?" You retort with sarcasm coating your tone, a very faint growl in the back of your throat. "Why do you think it's okay to pick on people? You tryna overcompensate for somethin'?" 

You hear Kid snickering quietly from behind you at the remark and you usually wouldn't approve of this either but Bellamy is a bully so you'd really like to see how he likes it when he's the target. 

You've honestly never been a fan of bullies, although you've never been bullied yourself. You just hate to see it; a group of people picking on one person? It's just disturbing to watch.

What you absolutely hadn't expected was for Bellamy to square up to you, his forehead pressing against yours as he glares down at you. It's clear that he's trying to intimidate you since you're a lot shorter than him but it's truly a stupid move. Even for him. 

"And what's that supposed to mean, little girl?" The blonde growls coldly, his brow twitching from irritation and of course, you only smirk back at the jerk since he hardly scares you. He's used to getting into a weaker opponent's face; young kids or people who are unlikely to fight back. But you're neither of those, you've always stood your ground when you've needed to and that is why you've never had a problem with bullies. 

"I think you know exactly what I mean, little boy." You're sure to send a quick glance down at his groin on the word 'little' too, just in case he's too dense to catch on. And judging by how red his face begins to go, you'd guess he gets it now.

However he's only yanked out of your sights by Kid, your boyfriend looking about ready to tear Bellamy's head off with his bare hands. "Don't try to intimidate my queen." The redhead warns coldly with a low voice but a fire burning in his eyes before he shoves Bellamy away.

The oh-so-tough blonde immediately blurting out a long string of apologies while looking like he's on the verge of tears before the bell rings over his voice, signalling lesson time. You reluctantly decide to leave Kid with the whimpering ass-kisser while you make your way to class.

You're honestly pretty excited for your first lesson today; you have Art with Mr. De Phoenix. Although, he insists everybody just calls him Marco since he calls the students by their first names, he says it's only fair that way.

Not to mention that you're also seated beside Ace for this class, the boy is a complete goofball but he's got a heart of gold really. And if you're not mistaken, Trafalgar Law is in this one too so you can apologize to him on Kid's behalf.

You're really not too sure what the problem is between those two, they've just literally never gotten along. Kid doesn't like how smart Law is and apparently, Law doesn't like how bold Kid is.  

Honestly, I don't see why a difference in personalities has to lead to a rivalry. Stupid boys. 

Be My Bad Boy. {Eustass Kid x Reader x Marco}Where stories live. Discover now