You're Safe Now.

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"We could send her home but my records show that she has no parents to return to, she needs someone to stay with her if she's having panic attacks." Mr. Corazon might be a few feet away from you and trying to whisper, but you can still make out every single thing he says.

"Then what do I do yoi? I'm not sending her back to lesson like this!" Mr. Marco hisses, the blonde harboring a slightly nervous quiver in his tone. He's clearly worried about you and it somehow makes you feel more secure than you had in days.

"I can call a doctor and book an emergency appointment, they may be able to set her up in some meetings where she can talk--"

"No." Mr. Marco grumbles the word coldly, immediately drawing a deflated sigh from Mr. Corazon. "She's hurting right now yoi, what good would pawning her off on some shrink do?" In all fairness, it's probably all a school nurse can really offer to do.

Mr. Corazon is hired to treat injuries after all, not emotional breakdowns.

"Then what would you suggest, Marco?"

"I have no more classes today yoi, I'll take her home and keep an eye on her."

Your body instanntly tenses at the man's remark, your heart fluttering in your chest as your face begins to heat up rapidly. You're a mixture of excited but also doubtful; he's surely just making promises that he can't possibly live up to, Kid did that all the time.

"You can't do that, you're a teacher!" Mr. Corazon's voice raising slightly and reaching your ears much more clearly now. You can also hear some shuffling, implying that Mr. Marco is trying to make his way to you but is perhaps having his way blocked by the tall nurse. "You're breaking rules here and it really won't look good on your part!"

Yep, promises he can't live up to. Saw that coming.

"When I was hired here, I was trained to give a shit about my students!" Mr. Marco's voice is still a hiss, as if he's trying to whisper but also trying to yell at the same time. "And that's what I intend to do yoi!" The male finally pushing past a now god-smacked Mr. Corazon and making a beeline toward you. "Put on your coat, [F/n]..."

The more responsible part of you wants to refuse and to tell them that you're okay to go home alone to save Mr. Marco from getting into trouble but you give into your more immature side, the side that just wants to be close to this teacher so badly that you'll simply just do as you're told.

"Fine...if you think your company will help her, I'll tell Principle Sengoku that I sent her home alone." Mr. Corazon finally folds, the tall male watching you with concern in his eyes as you slip into your coat. "I'll have Law check up on you when you come back to school so you won't be alone, [F/n]."

Oh yes, Trafalgar Sarcastic-Asshole Law, just what I need right now...

"C'mon, [F/n]." Mr. Marco smiles kindly as he ushers you out of the room, your body feeling strangely lighter than it was, you feel calm and even safe around this man. "Oh, Rosinante, I have Thatch covering my class right now. I'd usually go home after this since I've got no more classes today so Sengoku shouldn't question you on it yoi, don't worry!"

"If you say so, Marco..."

The Art teacher seems to be in a slight hurry as he takes you to his car, clearly he's worried about being seen by other teachers since they'll probably get the wrong idea and all that. Upon getting into the vehicle, he's the one to begin making conversation though as he pulls out of the school's carpark.

"I'm sorry yoi, I should have moved her to the back of the classroom."

I fail to see what good that will do.

"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault she fucked my boyfriend..."

Again, you're forgetting that you're speaking to a teacher. But Mr. Marco doesn't seem to mind, the blonde just nodding his head as he averts his eyes back to the road ahead. 

The rest of the car journey consisting of him telling you that you need to get some good sleep and to eat properly, he's starting to sound a lot like Sabo. Although they are brothers, they're bound to have gained some traits from the other.

A comforting flutter in your chest when your eyes finally set on your house, your hand lifting as you point a finger toward the building. "That's where I live." You know you had to remind him since when he had picked Ace and Sabo up in the past, he'd always find the street easily but forget which house.

The blonde chuckling to himself as he pulls up into your driveway. "Thank you yoi, was my certainty that obvious?" He chimes playfully as you both get out of his car, clearly he underestimates just how good your memory is. 

Upon making your way inside, you offer to make him a cup of tea or coffee but he simply ushers you into the living room instead of answering. "I'll make my own drink yoi, you need to rest. I'm here to look after you, remember?" 

Those mere words seem to remind you of someone from your past, a smile spreading across your lips as Mr. Marco guides you to the sofa before sitting you down. "My mother said that once..." You hum softly, the words catching your teacher off guard and causing him to quirk a curious brow. "I was scared of thunder when I was little and she'd wrap me in a blanket and tell me that it's all going to be okay and that she's here to look after me..."

The memory might be vague but you can still remember the feeling, the warmth you felt when your mother used to hold you like that. Although you hadn't felt it in such a long time and you doubt that you ever will again.

"What happened to them yoi? Your parents? Rosinante said you don't have any...?" The blonde asks the questions slowly as he takes a seat beside you on the couch, the hesitation as clear as day in his eyes.

Clearly he already senses that this is a sensitive topic but you honestly don't mind him asking about it, mainly because you trust him enough to speak to him. 

"They died in a car accident...I got my uncle Rayleigh though, he comes around sometimes." You don't miss the raise of Mr. Marco's brow at the mention of the name, a nervous giggle leaving your lips as you glance up at your handsome teacher. "He pays for the house too so I guess I'm in good hands~!" 

" in Shanks' friend yoi?" 

Shanks? Uncle Rayleigh knows Shanks? I mean...I suppose that shouldn't be too much of a shocker. The old man loves his drink and so does the English teacher.

"Yeah, probably. Uncle Rayleigh gets around." In more ways than one, of course. The man had bought home many women in his time, thankfully he doesn't do that so much now. Whatever ladies he finds, he does his business with elsewhere. 

"Yeah, no kidding yoi." A small smirk rising to your features at the disdainful tone of Mr. Marco's voice, it's suddenly apparent to you that the blonde knows just how much of a womanizer your uncle is also. "He also knows my old man."

Newgate? Okay...I didn't see that one coming.

Be My Bad Boy. {Eustass Kid x Reader x Marco}Where stories live. Discover now