Mystery Man.

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"[F/n], you're killing meeee~!" Koala whines from across the dining table, the blonde pouting as she grips onto her hair to empathize her stress. "Can you give us a hint~? I really wanna know who he iiiiis~!"

"Is it Trafalgar Law?" Ace spurts bluntly, the fact that Law himself was currently sat at the table beside yours and in clear earshot of the freckled fool's words is sure as hell not much of a comfort.

Ace, I swear to God...

"No, he's older and that's all I'm saying about him." A huff following your words as if to confirm that you're done speaking about it, bringing the small biscuit that you had bought for a snack to your lips before taking a bite. 

"Older...? MR. CORAZON?!" Ace blurts once again and immediately causing you to bury your face into your palm as you overhear Trafalgar Law beginning to choke on his juice, Penguin and Shachi also snickering audibly at the accusation. 

"No, Ace. Just no." You grumble with a mouthful of chocolate biscuit, starting to chew as you send daggers toward the freckled boy for humiliating you like that. Although your glare washes away completely when you notice Marco behind him, the blonde entering the dining hall with Thatch and making his way straight toward the shelf full of snacks. 

The freckled male apparently noticing your wondering eyes and following your stare to his brothers also, an immediate smile spreading across his lips when he notices them also. "Ah, I see~!" The raven hums and your heart already feels like it's dropping straight into your butt.

He sees? He sees what?! The way I look at Marco?! Ace...DON'T. FUCKING. SAY. ANYTHING.  

"Thatch~! Marco~!" Luffy calls out excitedly from Law's table, however the youngest brother is sat directly behind you so it only pulls both of the teacher's stares toward your small frame instead of his. Suddenly you become all too conscious of the small crumbs that surround your mouth and the fact that you're still chewing on a large piece of biscuit.

Well, I bet I look about as attractive as a sumo wrestler right now!

The two making their way over with their snacks in hand, Thatch immediately speaking to Luffy, greeting Ace in the process while Marco stands behind him, leaning lazily against the chair that Sabo's currently sitting in. 

Well, this is the Brother Squad apparently...

You decide to try and make eye contact with the handsome blonde teacher, you don't want to seem like you're avoiding him after all. Your eyes slowly trailing up toward Sabo, the younger male working on some homework for his next lesson. Your gaze then slowly drifting up further, to Marco's snack which seems to be the same type of biscuit you had bought and finally, his adorable face.

However he manages to catch you off guard entirely. The sexy man staring straight at you with a slightly frown-like expression on his face, though you'd assume it's to stop anyone getting suspicious of you two. 

But he certainly doesn't do himself any favors when you make eye contact with him, the blonde's expression instantly switching to a smile instead as he greets you with a subtle nod of his head. 

My God, he's fucking handsome! Like seriously, can you guys just leave so me and this man can make good use of this dining table?!

"[F/n] has a booooyfriend~!" Koala's voice catching your and Marco's attention, the both of you taking a glance at her to find that she's fortunately speaking to Thatch and not catching onto anything.

"Already?" Thatch's response causing you to sweat nervously since he obviously thinks its too soon and probably even assuming that you're merely using the guy as a rebound, when and if he finds out that it's Marco, he definitely won't approve. 

"Well, no. She said she likes a guy but she won't tell us who." Koala clarifies with a wide grin as she finishes off the last of her yogurt. You can feel Marco's gaze on you once again and quite frankly, you're too afraid to meet his stare, your brain scrambling itself further.

What if he doesn't want anything serious? I could have just scared him away!

"A new guy, huh~? What does he look like yoi~?" Marco questions innocently, a smirk etched into his features and his gorgeous eyes staring you down as your thoughts do a complete one-eighty. 


"She won't say, I've already asked!" Koala pouts, her blue orbs looking up at Marco as she rests her chin on her knuckles. "She's only told us that he's older than her!" The girl's whining simply causing Marco to chuckle softly.

"Well, she could tell you his hair color at least, can't you yoi~?" Marco requests and your eyes widening as the entire table looks at you curiously, Luffy even leaning against the chair beside you and looking closely at your face, apparently also awaiting an answer.


"...Blonde." You hesitantly mumble and Luffy's eyes already casting over to Sabo, or Marco himself, it's hard to tell since the teacher is stood behind his younger brother. You notice Koala looking around the room, her eyes landing on Mr. Donquixote before she gasps.


Thankfully the bell for next lesson rings out and prevents this situation from worsening. You notice Thatch reaching into his pocket and pulling what looks a set of keys, handing them to Marco. "Here, I probably won't be home before you since I'm going to Shanks' now. You're welcome to come join us when you're done with your class."

You're discreetly trying to listen in to see what Marco says as you pick up your school bag, throwing it over your shoulder. However; Ace's voice blurts out over Marco's answer. "Are you sure it's not Bellamy~? A bit older, a bit blonde...sounds familiar~!"

Huh? Wait, he doesn't know that it's Marco?

"...Yes, I'm sure I don't like Bellamy like that. In fact, I'd stretch to say that I don't like that asshole at all." You crankily hiss as push your chair under the dining table neatly, mainly annoyed that you have just missed Marco's response. A quiet huff leaving your lips as you follow Ace's lead out of the mess hall since he's in the same lesson as you, you might as well walk along with him.

Taking a glance over your shoulder, you notice Marco's eyes glued to your smaller frame as he speaks to Thatch. Luckily for him, the brunette doesn't seem to notice his brother's distraction, if he did it wouldn't be too hard for him to work out that there's something going on here. 

I swear this guy wants to get caught!

"Marco, you listenin'? What are you staring at?" Thatch asks, the brunette following the Art teacher's eyes but whether he spots you or not you wouldn't know since you had just past the door when he asked this. Ace suddenly turning to face you with a playful grin etched into his features.

"What about Killer~? He's older and blo--" 

"No, Ace."

Seriously, how has he not guessed it yet?

Be My Bad Boy. {Eustass Kid x Reader x Marco}Where stories live. Discover now