The Graduation Ceremony.

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Today is a very special day to you for two reasons; 

Firstly, it marks the 2 month anniversary that you and Marco had been together. No arguments, no cheating, no pain at all really...well, unless his control snaps during sex, that hurts a bit but it's a pleasant pain at least.

Secondly, you graduate today. Marco's father and brothers are all very aware now that he has a girlfriend but they have no idea it's you, well except for Ace anyway. The rest are all very eager to 'meet' the mystery woman though. 

But you and Marco had agreed to wait until graduation, much to the blonde's displeasure. Ms. Boa had also kept quiet since Marco gave her the shirt she wanted, you had expected her to tell anyway since she can be rather cruel sometimes but thankfully, she didn't.

The only other person that has found out since then is your uncle Rayleigh, the drunken old fart had to stumble right into the living room just as you were going down on Marco. 

You had thought that he would go completely nuts but apparently not, he approves of the relationship because he knows that Marco is Newgate's son and that the family is large and close. The old drunk claims that's just what a girl like you needs in her life.

Your thoughts being shattered by; "[F/n] [L/n]." Principle Sengoku calls out through the mic, his voice bouncing off of the large walls of the dining hall, the massive room has been rearranged today for the graduation ceremony. 

You shyly rise to your feet, ready to accept your diploma. Quite frankly, you're as nervous as fuck right now, you feel like you'll trip or something known your luck.

Once on stage, you accept the certificatewith a bright smile etched into your features, making your way over to the teachers for handshakes. You hate that you have to go through this daunting crap but at least you get to relish in the after-party. 

Well, that's something at lea--WHO THE FUCK HAS A STICKY HAND?!

Your eyes flickering up to Mr. Donquixote, the creepy blonde harboring a wide grin as he congratulates you. A pout threatening to form across your lips but you barely resist it, moving onto the next teacher, Thatch.

The brunette looking just as displeased to be here as you; his hand shaking yours loosely, although you'd assume his arm is tired by now since he's been doing this for an hour straight. "Congratulations." He boredly mutters as his free hand brings his water to his chapped lips.

Moving onto Marco, you shake his hand, the blonde smiling down at youproudly. "Congratulations yoi~!" However, what you don't expect is for the male to suddenly tug you closer, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist as his luscious lips crash into yours, causing your brain to do a complete back-flip. 

Of course you don't pull away though; out of habit, your hands cup his cheeks, a small smirk etching into your features as you hear a loud glug before a watery cough sounds from beside you. 

Poor Thatch clearly choking on his drink as the entire student body gasps at you and your art teacher, some people cheering're not too sure who or why and quite frankly, you're far too indulged in the kiss to even care.

"M-Marco!" You recognize that voice as Principal Sengoku's, the man sounding completely mortified. Your boyfriend breaking the kiss as his eyes flicker up to his boss, a cheeky grin spreading across his lips.

"Sorry yoi...but I don't think this job is really for me." You're not sure whether you should leave the stage now or if you have to stay and explain this entire situation in front of everybody, you hadn't expected Marco to pull a stunt like this after all.

Again...why am I surprised?!

Mr. Donquixote absolutely cracking up for whatever reason and Ms. Boa averting eye contacting, seemingly pretending that she's still not witnessing a thing. Meanwhile, Mr. Shanks is powerfully patting Thatch on the back, trying to un-choke the poor brunette.

Mr. Iceburg apparently being the kindest one here and guiding both you and Marco off-stage, the male asking you if you'd like any water as you wait for Sengoku to finish the ceremony. Something tells you that this is going to end terribly.

Thatch coming off-stage also and rushing toward his brother with a red face and runny eyes, his fist thumping against his chest as if he's trying to get that one last drip of water out of his system. "W-What...was that?" The man croaks, his brown orbs ping-ponging between you and Marco before they widen. "What was that?! What would Rise sa--IS SHE RISE?!"  

Well...he's clearly good at solving puzzles...

"Yeah, it's a little complicated yoi~!"

"Complicated?! You've been porking a student and you've just made it blatantly obvious in front of the entire student body!" Thatch's eyes shooting toward you instead as his brows knit together, realization flashing in his eyes. " old are you? You're not 17, are ya? I distinctly remember Ace going to your 18th birthday party!"

"She's legal yoi," Marco answering for you and managing to draw his brothers gaze, your heart beginning to feel tight and heavy as you fear what Thatch's opinion would be on it. He's the oldest brother after all, it's important to have him on side. "The worst they can do is fire me and I hate this job anyway, you know that."

"That's not the point--!"

Bonney now approaching you with her certificate in her hands as she launches herself at your small frame, hugging you tightly and managing to distract your attention from the brothers in the process so that you miss what else Thatch says. "So, he's your boyfriend~?" She chimes excitedly in your ear, her hug tightening a little as an enthused squeak leaves her lips. "Congratulations~!!"

Holy shit, thanks Bonney!  At least she's not judging me! 

The girl making herself scarce as Edward Newgate finally marches backstage, the man had attended this ceremony to watch Ace and Sabo graduate but boy, did he get a surprise. "What the hell is wrong with you, lad?!"

"It's alright pops, she's legal. He won't get in trouble with cops." Thatch informs the old man as he takes a gentle grip on your wrist. "Just go easy on him, alright? He seems smitten~!" It's in this moment the brunette carefully tugs you away, allowing the large man to speak to his son in private.

"You might wanna give them a minute." Thatch murmurs as he takes you into a classroom, out of earshot of Marco and his father. The man releasing your arm as he leans back against the wall, his dark eyes staring a hole through your face and his expression still riddled with shock. " long have you two been...?"

"Porking?" You question in attempts to be playful but it comes out a little more bitterly than intended, the older brother just slowly nodding his head, his eyes still filled with curiosity. "Two months exactly. Yes, we've had sex and no, we didn't use protection at first but we do now. And no, I'm not pregnant."

You're merely listing off things you think would concern the brunette most, your brutal honesty only causing his shock to worsen. "Rayleigh..." The man murmurs, shutting you up instantly as you tilt your head to the side questionably. "I thought those clothes Marco wore once looked familiar. I remember now, Rayleigh's..." 

What?! Is that your only concern?! 

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