At The End Of The Day.

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Finally, this day is over. 

You're awfully bummed that you didn't really get to speak to Marco properly at break today and then even worse, at lunch he had a meeting along with most of the other members of staff so you missed him again.

But at least now, you're free to speak to him all you like, finally. Upon reaching his classroom, you spot the blonde leaning back in his office chair with his eyes closed and it's only when you approach him, you hear how calm his breathing is. 

Aw, he's sleeping~!

Since there's no one else in the room, you assume it's safe to rest your hand against the male's stubbled cheek but the action only jolts him awake. "W-Who--?!" His body shooting up straight as his eyes flicker open before he stares at you in slight panic.

Although, his expression soon relaxes as a sigh leaves his lips, the man tiredly rubbing his lazy eyes. "Sorry Marco, I didn't realize you were having a nightmare~" You tease playfully whilst giving him a taunting poke on his unshaven chin.

"It wasn't a nightmare yoi, I just forgot where I had fallen asleep, I thought I was at home." The handsome man clarifies as he takes your hand in his, planting a gentle kiss on your knuckles. "If someone touches you when you're sleeping in our house, it's usually one of the brothers trying to play a prank on you."

Ah...that makes sense.

"How was your day anyway, beautiful~?" Marco murmurs sleepily but still managing to strongly pull you down into his lap before cuddling you tightly, apparently not giving a damn that the classroom door is still wide open.

"Not baaad, I made friends with Bonney~!" You inform him honestly, the man looking slightly puzzled as his hands rest idly on your hips. "She got pretty much screwed too so...we had a chat in the toilets, shared some chocolate and wished the best for each other, really~!"

" basically looked after a girl that had hurt you? Damn, that's sweet of you yoi~" Your boyfriend chimes proudly before leaning in and catching your lips with his, your arms instinctively wrapping around his neck.

It's a slight shock that he seems happy about that, admittedly. You had expected him to see you as a weakling or to claim that you're making a mistake but Marco seems to adore your softer side.

Your body feeling pleasantly lighter as you return the kiss, as if his affections are melting you away. Your tongue running across his bottom lip and this time, he's not in a teasing mood, thankfully. The male allowing your tongue to explore his wet cavern as his hands make their way up your shirt, caressing your back gently.

He tastes like coffee~

"Marco, you wouldn't happen to--!" The womanly voice being cut off by a sharp gasp and immediately causing you both to break the kiss as your gazes shoot toward the witness.

At first you had thought it was Ms. Nico but your eyes just about launch from your skull when you see that it's actually Ms. Boa. The woman's blue eyes currently look like whale pools and her hand is clasped over her mouth.


"What do you want yoi?" Marco grumbles crankily as he stares at the woman with an impatient frown etched into his features. Not that you're even sure why you're surprised, he has literally never cared about getting caught.

You've personally never had this woman as a permanent teacher but she has substituted a few of your lessons before and she is...batshit crazy, to say the least. You're pretty sure she teaches an after school Drama club. 

"Just what on earth is--?! She's a stu--! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME, YOU PEASANT?!" You try to at least climb off of the art teacher's lap but he merely holds onto you tighter, preventing your escape as he boredly raises a brow at the woman in the doorway, as if this is no big deal. "YOU'RE--! YOU KNOW WHAT? YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR YOUR INSOLENCE! I'M TELLING SENGOKU!"

Insolence?! He only said 'what do you want yoi'! Well...he did say it a bit rudely. AND WHY IS MARCO SO FUCKING CALM ABOUT THIS?!

"If you keep your mouth shut, I'll let you have one of Luffy's shirts." Your boyfriend mutters casually, immediately freezing the woman in her steps before she slowly glances over her shoulder at the blonde male. "You would like that, wouldn't you yoi~?"


"...It will be his shirt?" Ms. Boa quietly rasps, her eyes essentially resembling stars as she brings her fist to her mouth in attempts to hide her wide smile. "W-Well...I suppose I'll forget what I saw if that's the deal...~"

Phew...for once luck is on my side and it's a fellow smitten teacher as a witness, not anyone more legitimate like Mr. Dracule...

"B-But it better be his shirt! I WILL KNOW IF IT'S A TRICK, I KNOW HIS SCENT LIKE A BLOODHOUND KNOWS THE SMELL OF A DRUG!" The woman barks very bloodhound-like, funnily enough, before she continues her waltz. The sound of her heels clunking against the hard floor growing more and more distant before it stops.

That was...way too close!

"I don't like that woman lingering around my little brother yoi...she's crazy." The comment causing you to tilt your head at your lover, heart still thumping hard against your chest in fear as you climb out of his lap before someone else comes in.


"But her little crush on him just saved our asses, didn't it?" Your response slightly flat due to the lack of air in your lungs, you're also pretty sure that you're still waiting on your soul to return to your body. 

"I suppose...I just gotta remember to bring one of his shirts tomorrow." Marco's adorable face lightening up as his orbs land back on yours, a cheerful grin spreading across his lips. "By the way, you don't need to worry about Kid calling you anymore yoi!"

Oh, well that's something good coming out tod--WAIT. WHAT DID YOU DO, MARCO?!

Your expression obviously speaking for itself as the blonde chuckles. "Don't look so worried, beautiful. I didn't do it violently." The compliment still causing your stomach to flutter as he rests his cheek against his palm, propping his elbow up on his desk. "I was careful for you yoi."

"How did you do it?" You know for a fact that Kid wouldn't simply let someone scroll through his phone, especially not a teacher. He got mad enough when you tried to, although it makes sense why now. 

"I had to spectate his punishment during fourth lesson so I took his phone out of his bag when he wasn't looking and deleted all of your numbers from it." 


Although, you can't help but smile, you just want to hug him but you're far too wary after Ms. Boa just caught you making out with the man. "That's crafty, Mr. Perfect~" You murmur quietly, causing his grin to widen as he stands from his seat.

"Thank you...Rise~! Now, I need to get home and change into my own clothes. Do you want me to come back to yours afterward yoi~?" The cutie asks softly as he plants a subtle kiss on your cheek before slipping into your uncle's suit jacket, clearly he had taken it off for his little nap earlier.

Of course I want you to come back to mine, you adorable daredevil! 

Be My Bad Boy. {Eustass Kid x Reader x Marco}Where stories live. Discover now