We Have Spare Time.

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"So...you're telling me that you thought he was choking your grandson and that both you and Mr. De Phoenix saw him push [F/n] over?" Sengoku mutters as he reads through Mr. Garp's statement, you had to each go into separate rooms just to write these stupid things. 

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying!" Mr. Garp grumbles loudly, slamming his fist down on Principal Sengoku's desk as if to empathize his anger as his gray eyebrows knit together. "I want that little shit expelled!"

"Strictly speaking, I can't expel him for that." Principal Sengoku mutters very monotonously as he locks his fingers together, resting his hands calmly on his desk. "You've all said that he wasn't actually choking Ace and he claims that pushing [F/n] over was an accident. I'm afraid it's legally not enough reason for me to expel a student."

 "He deserves some form of punishment though yoi, this school shouldn't encourage men pushing girls around like that." Marco bluntly states as he leans forward a little, his hands resting on the back of your chair to support his upper body weight. "What if she hit her head during the fall? He was being reckless, you can't let him get away with that."

Fuck, he's sexy when he's being all political.

"Then what punishment would you suggest, Marco? He doesn't go to any of his detentions." Sengoku murmurs with a slight frown as his dark eyes stare up at your blonde teacher, eagerly awaiting an answer.

"He comes to school, does he not? He's here right now yoi, so put him in detention for the entire day. And have him scrape chewing gum from the bottom of the desks during this punishment." You actually like this idea and not just because it's Marco's, but also because Kid is usually one of the students that disposes of his chewing gum in such a manner, it'll have him thinking twice before doing it next time.

"That sounds decent...although we'll have to wait until tomorrow since half of the day is already gone. Is that okay with you, Garp?" Sengoku's eyes drifting up toward the large man stood behind Ace's chair, the freckled boy still pouting about the fact that his grandfather snitched rather than letting him mock and then beat Kid's ass himself.

"Yeah, fine." The old man grunts, cracking his knuckles as he makes his way toward the office door. "I'll get that little punk back in here, he isn't getting outta this one!" This hostility doesn't surprise you at all though, Kid's always skipping detentions and getting away with it, some of these detentions being with Mr. Garp. Of course the old man will be glad to see this boy undergo a punishment for once.

"You're free to go back to your lessons...what's left of them." Sengoku politely murmurs as he dismisses the three of you. His orbs travelling down to the statements on his desk, picking them up and shoving them into his desk drawer.

As you exit the room, Kid enters but not before being tripped up by a certain blonde. Naturally, he tries to yell at him but only ends up being brutally dragged into the Principle's office by a determined Mr. Garp. "You're not getting outta this one, boy! Get in that room!"

Ace suddenly going the complete opposite way to you, you'd assume he's just going to skip the rest of Science since he missed a majority of the class anyway, there's really no point in attending. But you decide that you will anyway to avoid getting caught skipping and receiving a detention that overlaps with Marco's.

Well, that is until you feel a sudden tug on your wrist, the hand feeling familiarly warm and soft. The owner to the hand managing to pull you inside a storage cupboard, not that you resist much since you know exactly who it is and the second the door closes, his lips are on yours.

A very missed shock-like sensation causing your lips to tingle but the tease pulls away before you have the chance to relish in his affections. "You don't seem too worried about getting caught in here yoi~" Marco playfully rasps against your neck while trailing kisses along your skin, his hands firmly resting on your hips.

Is he intending to have sex with me in here?!

"That's awfully rich coming from you, you're one who makes it obvious~" You retort cheekily, just barely managing to bite back a moan when the teacher tauntingly sucks on your soft spot, his lips soon abandoning your neck though, coming back up to your mouth as his breath fans your face.

"Didn't I tell you already yoi~? I don't care about this job, you seem to be the more cautious one~" The blonde responds smartly before catching your lips with his again, his hands trailing down to your ass and giving it a squeeze whilst he presses his strong chest against yours.

 You had barely responded to the kiss when his tongue suddenly slips into your mouth, his hands now gripping your thighs as he lifts you slightly off the ground and out of instinct, you wrap your legs around his waist as your hands clutch to the man's shirt collar hungrily, your tongue weakly trying to wrestle with his.

This man is so fucking daring! I love it!

A satisfied flutter erupting in your chest when you feel the teacher smile against your lips, his stubble tickling your chin a little and his kiss growing hotter and hotter by the second, somehow causing the pit of your stomach to burn, as if there's a knot forming inside you.

Unfortunately for you, the handsome bastard breaks the kiss, a faint smirk spreading across his lips as he catches his breath, his observant eyes clearly taking in your blush and your heavy breathing. "You tease!" You whine quietly, fearing that somebody might hear you if they're out in the hallway, Marco merely chuckling before kissing your lips again, but only briefly this time.

"It's just revenge for what you did to me this morning yoi~" And immediately, your eyes spring open wide. You had forgotten about teasing him earlier and you sure hadn't thought that he'd make you pay the price for it. "What's the matter yoi~? Are you a little aroused~?"


Marco merely snickering softly as he buries his face into your neck, biting on the soft spot that he had kissed earlier, his warm hands slipping down and caressing your thighs as he begins to suck on your skin. The feeling has your stomach burning even more as a moan threatens to spill from your lips, one of your hands clutching tightly onto Marco's shirt while the other grips his hair.

He's going to get us caught at this rate!

The more mature side of you is screaming to push him away before another teacher decides they need something from this cupboard but you just can't do it, he simply feels too good. 

A breathless gasp leaving your lips as he bites on the spot hard, you can even feel him smirking against the crook of your neck as one of his hands comes up to your face, covering your mouth gently.

"Don't moan yet, beautiful~" He purrs in your ear before pulling away, carefully lowering you to the ground with a devilish grin gracing his handsome features. "You might want to wear shirts with collars for a week or so~"

"Huh?" The bell ringing out before he has a chance to answer, his hand reaching for the storage cupboard door and opening it as he grabs some tape from the shelf just as students exit their classrooms and start to pass, some of the nosy fuckers watching as they walk by. 

"Here's the tape yoi, bring it back at the end of the day, alright?" His voice suddenly professional as he passes you the stationary item, being sure to brush the back of your hand with his fingertips in the process before he takes his leave, immediately making his way to the school's exit while you just stare down at the tape in bewilderment.

I never said that I wanted any ta--Oh. Marco...you clever bastard.

Be My Bad Boy. {Eustass Kid x Reader x Marco}Where stories live. Discover now