The Principal's Office.

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"When you're done with this lesson, Sengoku wants to speak to you, Ace and that girl over there about the incident earlier." The older man informs, pointing his thumb over his shoulder at you lazily and immediately calming you down a bit now.

The way he barged in like that had me thinking that he had somehow sussed something between me and Marco and was about to fire him or something!

"Her name is [F/n]." The blonde informs with a low growl in his voice, the older man just lazily shrugging his shoulders as he pulls out a notepad, holding a pen to the paper as he approaches your table.

"Alright, what lesson do you pair have next? We'll need to know so we can explain why you'll be late to the teacher." 

"I have Science with Ms. Nico." You inform the man with a polite smile etched into your features, you're honestly a bit relieved. Sure, Ms. Nico is a lovely woman but boy, you hate Science. Due to the health and safety restraints in this school, you don't get to do any fun experiments and the results are never really amusing to you. You'd like to see blue fire, not a bit of salt dissolving in some water.

"Right...and what do you have, A--WAKE UP, BOY!" Mr. Garp suddenly yells as he swats the sleeping Ace harshly around the head with his notepad, jolting the poor boy awake with his eyes the size of dinner plates. "If I'm not allowed to sleep yet, neither are you!"

"W-What?! Oh, sorry...I have Science with Ms. Nico." The freckled boy grumbles before faceplanting the desk once again, falling asleep face-down in his sketch. The sight merely causing Marco to roll his eyes as Ace's grandfather approaches him once again.

"You'll be able to make it, right Marco?"

"Yeah, this is my last class today yoi." The man answers promptly, his eyes briefly flickering past Garp's face and glancing at you before shifting back to the old man. It seems that you aren't the only one struggling, apparently your lover has a hard time keeping his eyes off you also.

"Have you two fucked yet?" Ace murmurs quietly but extremely bluntly, the question just about having your eyes leap from their sockets as you turn your attention to him, a harsh burn emerging in your neck when you manage to pull a muscle due to how first your head spins.


"WHA--OW! WHAT THE FUCK, ACE?!" You accidentally blurt way too loudly, causing the whole class to gasp before going silent as they twist their gazes toward you. Honestly, this is something you'd expect from elementary school children. You're not meant to swear in class, sure, but these people act like they've never heard a curse word before in their lives.

"[F/n]," Marco murmurs calmly, a subtle smirk engraving into his features as you turn to face him. "For swearing, you'll have to come back after school for a 30 minute detention." The comment causing you to pout a little but you're not too surprised, he is still your teacher after all.

"With you?" You ask before getting your hopes up since this is his last class, many tutors pawn their detentions off on the other teachers, ones that have to stay here all day. Although, Marco's probably just making this an excuse to see you some more so you really shouldn't be comparing him to the other teachers.

"Yes yoi."

Well, I certainly won't mind that~!

The bell suddenly ringing out and breaking Marco's eye contact with you, the blonde turning his focus toward the clock on the wall instead with a brow quirked. "Huh...that went quick yoi. Anyway, everyone leave your sketchbooks on your desks and I'll mark them later! Have a nice day!" 

The blonde waiting for most of the students to leave before he makes his way over to you and Ace, the male leaning against the table idly as his half-lidded eyes seem to force-focus themselves on his brother. "What did you say to her yoi?"

You really don't wanna know, Marco!

"I asked her if she has ever come into contact with herpes~" Ace answers casually and immediately earning a frown from his older brother and also from you. You begin to wonder exactly what the hell he has inside that thick skull of his, you highly doubt that it's a brain. least he tried to cover for me...

"Why in the name of--You don't...simply ask people that yoi." Marco's voice slowly turning into a slightly rheumatic sigh than anything else, the teacher dragging a palm down his face in utter deflation. "I am so sorry about my brother, [F/n]...he's a bit stupid."

"It's fine and to answer your question, Ace." Your eyes might as well turn into fire as you send the raven a burning glare, your teeth gritting together as you hiss out a response. "No. I don't, nor have I ever, had herpes. You jerk."

Tossing your bag over your shoulder, you make your way toward the door, immediately noticing that they're not following you though. Upon turning around you notice Ace looking as pale as a sheep and Marco staring a hole through his face, the blonde is clearly waiting for him to pass so that he can swat him around the skull or something but Ace isn't having any of it.

"C'mon yoi, don't wanna be late to the Principal's office now, do you~?"

"Nice try Marco, I'm not going anywhere until you move!"

Oh, brothers...

Naturally the blonde does move, taking a quick step to the right and scaring Ace into going the opposite way. Of course, it was merely a trick, Marco immediately shifting to the left and managing to grab his brother before he can escape, giving the goon a sharp and loud slap around the back of his head.

"Talk to women with respect, you ass!" Marco scolds as the pained Ace rubs the back of his head, a puppy-like pout on his face. And quite frankly, you're swooned by this protective side to your lover.

Sure, Ace is your best friend and you feel a bit of sympathy for him but you're also loving how respectable this sexy man is toward you. It makes you simply want to usher Ace out of the room so you could just pin this teacher down to his desk and have your way with him.

Jeez, I'm a pervert!

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