The Brutality That Is Edward Newgate.

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" fucked on his desk? Shit, I thought I had kinks." The brunette mutters quietly, a faint smirk etched into his features as peaks his head out of the classroom door, clearly wondering what's taking Marco so long.

At least the shock has finally worn off, he's speaking to you in a vulgar big brotherly manner now which is way better than him treating you like a mere student.

"What about in the shower~? I'd recommend giving that a tr--"

"We have. Many times." You answer bluntly, only causing the brunette to chuckle as he leans back against the classroom wall. "His desk, his storage cupboard, in the shower, in the bath, in his car, on my living room sofa, on my kitchen counter...we've done it many places."

"Whoa~! I like you, you're a fellow savage!" Thatch blurts humorously before a certain raven-haired young boy barges into the room, a smile as bright as the sun plastered across his face.

"[F/N]~! THERE YOU ARE SHISHISHI~!! ARE YOU AND MARCO DATING~?" Luffy inquires excitedly, his eyes twinkling in a very fanboyish manner as he pulls you into a rough and playful hug. "I'VE ALWAYS WANTED A BIG SISTER~!!"

Big sister?!

"L-Luffy, go easy on her! You'll break her back!" Ace's deep voice emerging as he enters the room, his hands tucked into his pockets and a wide grin etched into his features. Sabo and Koala seeming trailing in behind him.

"Oh, don't worry. If her back was that easy to break, it'd be gone by now. Trust me." Thatch snickers crudely, the comment earning him a nudge from Sabo. You can already assume it's the blonde's way of subtly telling him not to be so coarse about a woman but you're not bothered by it, as long as Thatch's okay with the relationship, that's all that matters to you.

"I can't believe I missed him! Older and blonde?!" Koala squeaks in distress, her hands gripping onto her hair tightly as she groans. "He was even the one who got you to say a hair color in the first place! How could I have been so blind?!"

Because he's a smooth bastard...

Your orbs shifting up at Newgate as the large man enters the room, a smile engraved into his features and Marco following sheepishly behind him. You notice that despite your boyfriend's smile, his eye is bruised and already beginning to swell.

"Hey, you okay?" Thatch asks Marco with concern lacing his tone, apparently taking the words right out of your mouth as he approaches his younger brother, tilting the blonde's head back to get a better look. "Whoa, that's a real shiner!"

"It's fine yoi, it doesn't hur--"

"WHY DID YOU HIT HIM FOR, YOU MISERABLE OLD FART?!" Ace barks defensively at his father, you assume that the large man is certainly not happy about this relationship and is probably about to deck Ace also but it would seem that you're wrong.

"Because he kept his girlfriend secret from his own family! It's rude to treat a lady in such a way and I raised you boys better than that!" The white-bearded man now sounds like a genuinely concerned father. Not that you were bothered at all by the secrecy, you were the one that thought it was for the best considering Marco's job.

Your boyfriend making his way over to you once Thatch has finished inspecting the soon-to-be black eye, slipping around to your backside before his arms drape around your waist, cuddling you tightly from behind. 

My poor baby! His adorable face!!

"He treats her well, he just had to be cautious 'cause she was a student! Don't hit for that!" Ace defends further, the stubborn boy seemingly not at all worried that he might get punched himself for running his mouth. 

"W-Wait, you knew about them?!" Thatch essentially gasps with widened eyes, his brows raised and his mouth falling agape. "Well then! Thanks for sharing that, Ace!"

He did good keeping the secret, I give him that...

The old man deciding that now the freckled boy has gone too far; his large hand coming out of seemingly nowhere and giving the poor thing a powerful clip around the skull and you're sure if you had listened closely, you would have heard is brain rattle a bit. 

The scene causing Sabo and Koala to cringe, as the pair back away into the far-end of the room to avoid any backlash themselves, Sabo having to essentially drag Luffy along with them. You'd like to backup yourself, naturally...but Marco's chest is sort of preventing your movement.

"Ouch, that looked like it hurt." Thatch mutters nonchalantly and considering how calm him and Marco are, you'd assume they're used to this behavior by now and that it no longer surprises them. "Why did you hit him for, pops? He didn't disrespect the girl." 

"Because he was keeping it to himself!" Newgate blurts with a very obvious tone, the cranky man's brows furrowing as he takes a grip on Ace's shirt collar, beginning to shake the poor boy like a rag doll. "Don't you think that I would wanna know about my boy's lovelife too, you selfish punk?!"

"Well, you know now yoi, what's the problem?" Your boyfriend finally speaking up and causing Newgate to release Ace's clothing as his golden eyes shoot toward the blonde instead before they travel down to you. 

The old man's posture suddenly changing completely, his body straightening up as he smiles down at you cheerfully and your legs starting to feel weakened from fear as he slowly begins to approach.

Oh God...please don't fucking hit me! I'm not as strong as these boys! I'LL DIE!

The old man stopping in front of you before he extends a hand out for you to shake and his grin slightly resembling Thatch's, you slightly wonder if they're related by blood somehow. "Hello there, lass. [F/n], isn't it?" You nod your head timidly, politely cupping the senior's offered limb and giving it a gentle shake.

"H-Hello Newgate...~"

Jeez, don't sound too nervous, [F/n]! 

The fatherly figure seemingly not planning to respond to your greeting, the handshake immediately freezing but he doesn't let go of your palm, his aged eyes boring into you for a moment before he smiles widely again.

"Yeah, I've got a good sixth sense about this girl, lad! Welcome to the family, [F/n]!"


A sudden knock on the classroom door attracting your attention as Newgate releases your hand, Mr. Shanks stood in the doorway and the poor man looks so sheepish. The redhead offering a subtle wave as a guilty smile spreads across his face. "Hey, Marco, he wants to speak to you now..." 

Sengoku really couldn't have told Marco that himself? He really had to send Shanks to get him?!

"Alright yoi." The blonde answers calmly, planting a gentle kiss on your cheek before he releases you, following Mr. Shanks out of the room and leaving you completely alone with his entire family...thanks for that, Shanks.

"So...where Marco's been staying recently...?" Sabo bashfully begins, the blonde sounding somewhat mortified to ask but at least he's not probing for any major details, you already had to explain those to Thatch.

"Yes, he's been at mine."

"Wow, you really are a filthy slut!" For a split second you think it's coming from Sabo, however the blonde hadn't even opened his mouth. Your gaze following the voice to find Kid entering the room.

Fuck sakes...

"Leave her alone, you turd!" Ace stepping forward with a frown decorating his face, the freckled boy looking about ready to attack the bully but Thatch pulls him back by his shirt.

"Ace, just ignore hi--"

"And who the hell are you, boy?!" Newgate's question coming out gruff and completely cutting Thatch off, Kid looking only slightly frightened as the large old man sends daggers his way.

Please don't do this shit to me right now!

Be My Bad Boy. {Eustass Kid x Reader x Marco}Where stories live. Discover now