Fine Day, Saturday.

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A word to describe how you're feeling right now would be simply inconsolable, that vulgar image constantly replaying itself in your head and causing your chest to tighten. He knew you were at the party, didn't he think you'd try to find him or did he just not care.

A knock on your door breaking into your thoughts and causing your body to stiffen from anxiety, cold sweat rolling down your face but you're quick to relax when you hear Ace's voice. You're more than happy to speak to him. 

Upon making your way into the hall, you can vaguely see him through the front door; stood beside a blonde boy. Your heart rate beginning to ease as you consider the possibility that it might just be Marco with him; you admittedly wouldn't mind that man's company either since he was so sweet to you last night, making sure you got home okay after being hurt.

Although, you soon think otherwise when the blonde's muffled voice reaches your ears. "Don't say anything stupid, Ace." The male mutters maturely, you recognize the voice as Sabo's. A slightly forced smile spreading across your lips as you open the door to the brothers.

Although; you don't mind speaking to Sabo either, he's a delight. But you were really hoping for the other blonde, a bit of eye candy after a heartbreak is always appreciated. Ace and Sabo aren't bad-looking of course, but you've been close with them since you were little so they feel too much like brothers to drool over. 

Immediately, Ace launches himself at you, wrapping you into quite possibly the tightest hug you've ever received in your life. Sabo joining in on the group cuddle but he's not half as rough as his freckled brother, thankfully.

"We heard about--!"

"Eustass Kid is a fucking asshole, man!" Ace blurts over Sabo's words, the blonde already beginning to pale as he gives Ace a look that seems to scream stop. "I'm annoyed with him too, [F/n]! He fucked that girl on my bed!"

Your heart recoiling in your chest at the comment and Sabo's eyes just about leaping from his skull as he harshly nudges the raven, clearly trying to silence him. "Ace!" The blonde husks with a very visible sheet of sweat washing over his face, his brows furrowing in disapproval.

"He's fine..." Your voice falling somewhat emotionless as you try your hardest to keep up the false smile, moving aside to let the boys into your home. You keep telling yourself that the sooner you face up to the cruel truth, the sooner you'll be able to get over it. "Did him and Bonney leave together?"

Watch me regret opening my mouth...

"Eventually, yeah--!"

"Ace!" Sabo scolds again, the blonde wrapping an arm around your lower back as he guides you toward the couch, sitting you down gently before taking a seat beside you. "You shouldn't torture yourself, [F/n]..."

 Shockingly, Ace actually grows quiet for once as he sits the other side of you, gently rubbing the small of your back in efforts to comfort you during your heartbreak. Your head falling loosely into Sabo's chest as your tears start escape, you had told yourself that you wouldn't cry again but here you are, shamefully.

At least Sabo's here this time around, he's a good and loyal friend that you don't really mind crying to. You honestly wish you had a relationship with Kid like he has with Koala; they're both so faithful and natural together, they're like best friends as well as lovers and that's all you've ever wanted.

"It's okay, [F/n]...He'll regret this when he ends up alone..." Sabo murmurs, tightening the hug before he pulls away. The blonde reaching into his pocket and pulling out a piece of paper with a telephone number written across it. "This is our home phone so if I'm not there, Ace will answer it. Whether it's morning or night, you just call us if you need someone and we'll be here!"

Sabo sweetly slipping the paper into your hand as he rises to his feet, his index finger resting thoughtfully against his chin. "Have you eaten? I'm gonna make you a sandwich and don't even try to tell me you're not hungry, you need food! And drink, I'll make you one! Coffee, Tea or soft drink?"

Instead of mustering an answer, you just stare up at the blonde in shock. You had heard before that Sabo can go full mother mode when he's worried about a friend but you hadn't witnessed it yourself until now, hell you've never been hurt like this before.

"Apparently tea is good to drink when you're down, it tastes like marijuana~!" Ace chuckles and how the boy even knows how that tastes, you couldn't say. But you're not surprised at all, he's always been the sort to try anything once.

"Tea it is then." Sabo murmurs with slight disdain in his tone, properly directed more at his brother than anything else though. The protective male making his way into the kitchen while Ace cuddles you tightly.

"It's okay, you're too much of a catch for him anyway!" Ace cheerfully blurts in your ear, reaching for the tissues while his free hand cradles you carefully. Your tears aren't as rapid as they were but they're still nonstop, unfortunately. Your freckled friend attempting to dab them away with the tissues he's collected. "A lot of guys wished they were in Kid's shoes, he should have appreciated what he had!"

"Who w-would want to be him?" You manage to spit out eventually, your chest tightening with each word that leaves your lips. "I always bitched at him for how he treated people...h-he probably got tired of it..."

"And?" Ace shoots back, the boy tilting his head to the side with a brow quirked and his hand gently massaging your shoulder. "You have a conscience, there's nothing at all wrong with that!" the raven adds before pulling your face into his chest, allowing you to cry into his shirt. "I could name at least three guys that like you, you know? Teach the Janitor, Zoro did and someone else but I can't say for reasons!"

Is he the other person? He seems like the sort that would keep his own crushes secre--TEACH THE FUCKING JANITOR, ACE?! IS THAT SUPPOSED TO FLATTER ME?! 

"Alright, Tea's ready~!" Sabo chimes as he enters the living room holding a tray with a plate full of sandwiches on it, a cup of tea sat neatly beside the food. "I want you to eat every single bite! You understand?"

But I hate crusts...

Be My Bad Boy. {Eustass Kid x Reader x Marco}Where stories live. Discover now