The King And Queen Of Everything.

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Since graduation your life has been getting better and better by the day.

Marco has officially moved in and the pair of you now rent the house, your uncle is currently living with his lady friend; Shakuyaku, so there's no longer any risk of him walking in on you and your boyfriend having...encounters.

And your cheater ex-boyfriend doesn't harass you anymore, he's got a new-new girlfriend and to nobody's surprise, it's Marguerite. Although it's been rumored that he's cheated on her many times already.

And in even more good news; Marco has gotten himself a new job, one that he enjoys more and he doesn't have to wake up at the crack of dawn for it. He's a receptionist at the vets, a job that he adores because he simply has a huge soft spot for animals.

A slight shift from beside you drawing your attention, your eyes landing on the handsome bastard himself, he's currently sprawled out across the bed as a very soft snore leaves his lips. 

You watch as he lazily rolls onto his back, a low groan leaving his throat and the duvet only barely covering his nudity. Your hand cupping the blonde's cheek as you lean in, planting a gentle kiss upon his lips.

You're far too cute, Mr. Perfect!

Thankfully, he's not so paranoid about being touched in his sleep anymore, although that's probably because he's no longer living with his prankster brothers. The male tiredly kissing back and apparently making his consciousness known to you.

"Good morning beautiful~" He murmurs lightly against your mouth as his arms begin to wrap themselves around your waist, suddenly rolling you onto your back. His body hovering over yours as he places several butterfly kisses all over your face. "You're awake early yoi~"

A soft giggle leaving your lips as his stubble brushes gently against your skin, tickling you with each kiss. Your hands reaching up to his cheeks, holding him still so that you can kiss his lips again, a fluttery feeling in your chest when you feel him smirk against your mouth.

"I gotta meet Bonney and Koala in about two hours, they want me to go shopping with them~" You finally explain, claiming his lips one more time before trying to reach for your phone but the blonde only pins your wrist to the bed.

"Two hours is plenty of time yoi~" Your boyfriend playfully chirps, his head dipping down as his lips catch yours again, this kiss more passionate this time and his hand gripping slightly tighter around your wrist as he slips his tongue into your mouth.

The sensations immediately going straight to your head, a pleasure-filled mewl leaving your lips as a knot begins to form inside your stomach, your body arching against his hungrily.

You're honestly not too sure how this man does this to you, a minute ago he was adorable and now, he's the sexist thing you've ever seen and you're eager to fuck him. Hell, you're even considering cancelling on Bonney and Koala just so you get more time with the sexy tease.

Your tongue wrestling with his as the duvet falls down, revealing his gorgeous physique completely. You two had sex last night and didn't bother to change into your pajamas before falling asleep so you don't need to strip each other off at least, not that you don't enjoy it sometimes. It's just that right now, you want him and you don't want to have to go through the trouble of taking his clothes off first.

I knew this man would turn me into a sexual deviant... 

Your hands immediately clutching onto his shoulders when he finally releases your wrists, his feathery touch now on your hips and a quiet groan leaving the sexy bastard's throat as you press yourself up against his groin.

It would seem that he has gotten the message loud and clear; breaking the kiss as he positions himself in between your legs, a taunting smirk gracing his delicious lips. "You're really eager this morning, beautiful~" Marco's smooth voice rasps into your ear and his warm hands sliding up to your chest, fondling your breasts roughly as he trails fiery kisses down the crook of your neck, the tease even deciding to nibble at your skin gently in between the kisses. "I love you yoi~"

"I love you too, Marco~" Your voice soft and wavering a little as he enters you, your back arching as you indulge in the pleasure, his luscious lips still kissing and nibbling on your neck. His hips thrusting slowly at first but suddenly speeding up as he clamps his teeth down harshly on your sweet spot, causing your vision to haze and your nails to dig themselves deeply into his back as a thrilled moan tears from your throat.

This is going to be one hell of a morning~


Be My Bad Boy. {Eustass Kid x Reader x Marco}Where stories live. Discover now