Finding That Man.

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Upon reaching the top of the stairs, you make a beeline straight for the bathroom door. You can hear coughing followed by running water and naturally, you begin to think the worst as you barge straight in.

However; it surprises you when your sights land upon Trafalgar Law, not Kid. The tan student collecting water in his hands before pressing it to his face. It's when his limbs lower themselves, he shoots you a pointed glare.

And it's at this moment, you realize you just busted right in here and he could have been on the crapper for all you knew. "S-Sorry!" Is the only word that tumbles out of your lips as you grab the door handle, about to leave until you remember that you'd actually like to speak to him also.

 "Relax. I've only come in here for some peace." The grumpy male mutters, his dark eyes shifting back to the trickling water as he reaches for the tap, now turning it off. "What do you want, [F/n]-ya?"

"Actually," You begin boldly, a new-found confidence taking over your tone as you enter the bathroom properly, closing the door behind you to shut out the music before folding your arms over your chest. "I want to know how you got my number and why you're sending me photoshops of my boyfriend kissing other girls!"

"Photoshops?" Law echos calmly, shaking his head slowly as a smirk spreads across his lips. You can see his body slouching a little at your words and his aura softening, it's almost as if he feels pity toward you. "I don't invest in photoshop, [F/n]-ya. That shit's expensive."

You can feel your brow raising instinctively at his words as you await for him to get to the point, not that you need him to. You already know what he's trying to say. "So, you're expecting me to believe that picture was real?"

Law not even bothering to answer that question, his stern stare does that for him. "I got your number from Cora-san's records, you forget that he's the school nurse and has information on everyone." The boy murmurs with a cold and confident voice, his posture still as relaxed as ever. The stoic male finally slipping past you to get to the bathroom door. "It's not photoshopped by the way." 

You're about to call his bluff until you hear something, a girl's voice yelling Kid's name. Law cringing slightly as he leaves the room, the loud music now muffling the girl though. You're aware that it was coming from the room next to the bathroom.

Perhaps he got lost on the way to the toilet...

You know these thoughts are just futile attempts to reassure yourself that your boyfriend isn't cheating on you, your weak legs struggling to carry your weight to the door leading into said room.

Upon taking a deep breath you reach for the handle, swinging the door open to find a sight truly crushing. Two very naked bodies on the bed before you, Kid's being on top and all you can see from the other person is their legs and their hands. His sexual partner leaving red scratches down his pale back during their encounter.

Kid turning to look at you as your breath stiffens in your throat, exposing the girl fully now; Jewelry Bonney being the last face you see before you see red. "[F/n]!" Kid calls as he pulls the duvet up around his waist, the male staggering off the bed and leaving you to stare at the pinkette in utter rage.

Without a seconds hesitation you reach for numerous items on the desk beside the door, hurling them at both Bonney and Kid as several long strings of insults and cuss words leave your lips. Kid being brave, or stupid enough, to try and reach for you. 

His fingertips barely skimming your arm before you swing for him, your fist immediately connecting with his jaw and although you're not strong enough to send him flying to the ground like you'd like to, it's still a comfort to see that his head rotates with the blow, implying the punch was strong enough to hurt at least.

"Don't fucking touch me, Kid!" Your voice turning into a vicious snarl as you push him away from your small frame, throwing some men's cologne from the desk at Bonney also before you storm out of the room, making your way down the stairs.

It's only now that your anger boils away into nothing, you don't feel anything at all. Not sadness, anger, only feel complete and utter emptiness as your eyes fill to the brim with tears. 

You're more disdainful toward yourself than Kid though, you knew deep down that something wasn't right. How he would always blow you out, making up excuses that he had detentions or something. You know that he usually skips his detentions but you wanted to believe in him, you wanted him to love you like you loved him.

The mere fact that Pink - Just Give Me A Reason is playing isn't helping the pains in your chest in the slightest, your body beginning to tremble uncontrollably as you make it outside the house. A small part of you wants to find Law and ask where he took that photo and if he's seen Kid with any other girls but you decide against it, the last thing you want to do is fester in this.

A sudden gentle tug on your arm forcing you to stop in your tracks, your orbs landing on a tall blonde standing beside you. "Hey yoi, did you find--? Whoa, what's the matter?!" Those words causing your tears to stream down your cheeks rapidly as a hopeless squeak leaves your lips, whatever explanation you're willing to give isn't going to be audible past your distress.

The blonde doesn't push you for an answer though, he simply wraps his arms around you in attempts to console, his eyes scanning the area. But you'd assume he's just trying to find a friend of yours.

"I-I'm fine, just go-going home..." You finally manage to blurt out past your sobs, your trembling hands weakly trying to wipe away your tears but there's just too many. Every time you wipe them away, more just take their place.

"You're not walking home alone like this yoi! Where's Kid?" It seems Marco puts two and two together when the name causes you to sob loudly, a flash of realization flickering in his eyes. Although, you're grateful that for since you have no wish to explain the situation to him right now. "I-I see...come on yoi, let me drive you home at least. I haven't been drinking, don't worry."

Even if you had, I don't think I'd care. Crash and kill me if you wish.

Be My Bad Boy. {Eustass Kid x Reader x Marco}Where stories live. Discover now