Daydreaming Again.

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"Why are you so late, [L/n]?" Mr. Dracule mutters sternly, his golden orbs watching you closely as you make your way over to your seat beside Ace. The freckled boy staring at you, seemingly awaiting an answer himself.

"Sorry, I got stopped by another student!" Yep, that's the only excuse you could think while the tall man still stares you down into your seat. Thankfully, he doesn't quiz you on it, simply turning around and beginning to write on the wall's whiteboard.

"Of course, did you run into them also?" The dark male mocks calmly and quite frankly, you had hoped that he would have forgotten about that over the weekend. It isn't like you meant to walk into him, you were in a rush to get to class, he should be glad since some students choose to skip. 

"No, they ran into me..."

Well, that sounds convincing, [F/n]!

"Of course they did."

A sheepish smile on your lips as you begin to take your things out of your bag, putting them on the table. You can already feel a small prod in your hip from, what feels like, a pen and already you know how that is.

"Hello Ace~" You murmur cheerfully, opening up your textbook on the page that the whiteboard tells you to before beginning to read. A resting bitch face dominating your features as you start to jot down some notes from said-page. Of course you're not angry at all, this is just your 'thinking hard' expression.

"Hey, where did you run off to this morning?" The raven questions, taking a few notes himse--well no, he's actually just copying the entire page into his own book. "I didn't think you'd be so eager to go to your Maths class, considering who else is in there?"

"[F/n]~!" Koala quietly chimes, the girl sat the other side of Ace and leaning froward a little so that you can see her. "I'm glad to see you're okay today~! look better than okay~! Who's the caaaause~?" 

You had forgotten how observant this girl is, she can already tell that there's a guy involved and you haven't even spoke two words to her. "Oh, no, you didn't take Kid back after what he's done, did you?" Ace suddenly mutters with disappointment riddling his voice and immediately causing you to shake your head.

"Hell no!" You whisper-yell with a high temptation to swat the boy around the skull for even assuming that you would be so weak and easily manipulated, you're far too clever to forgive such a thing.

"Who is it then, [F/n]~? Is he cute~?" Koala chirps enthusiastically, still taking notes but her eyes constantly take short glances at you, a smirk spread widely across her lips. "Does he go to this school~?"

In a way, yes...

"It isn't Bellamy, is it? Some sort of love-hate thing?" Ace teases and yes, he has pushed his luck slightly too far there. Your arm whipping back harshly and accidentally elbowing the freckled boy in the ribs, a loud grunt leaving his lips as you smack the air from his lungs. "O-Okay! N-Not Bellamy then? Got it, s-sorry!"

"Shh, Ace! I wanna know who it is!" Koala buzzes quietly, her eyes essentially shining like stars as she awaits an answer from your lips. And even worse; Sabo is also looking on curiously now, the blonde sat the other side of his girlfriend with a brow raised. 

"He's...he's nobody. Nothing has been set in stone yet so I don't really wanna jinx anything." Your response has Sabo turning his focus back to his work at least, the blonde only offering an understanding smile but Ace just tilts his head to the side inquisitively.

"So...what are you to him? You've kind of been treated like shit recently, he better not be fucking you around too!" Ace's voice blurting out and Mr. Dracule's eyebrow twitching with each swear word that tumbles out of Ace's mouth.

"Keep your voice down, Portgas. And watch your language in this classroom." The teacher coldly warns before his eyes trail back down to the book he was reading previously. Your freckled friend immediately looking a little pale as he nervously clears his throat.

"My bad, old ma--s-sir. I meant sir, sorry!" Seems that even someone as ballsy as Ace has a slight fear of the stoic teacher. Thankfully, the man has nothing else to say to Ace's apology, his eyes boredly skimming his book's page as a simple 'Mhm.' leaves his lips.

Koala sighing softly as she reaches over and gives the back of your hand a supportive rub. "Well, whoever he is, I'm just glad he's got you smiling again~!" The girl chimes merrily, Ace grumbling at the fact that she is currently sprawled across his work.

"What lesson do you have next, [F/n]? Do you have any friends in there?" Sabo being the sensible one as usual, the blonde still taking notes but you know he's a multitasker and will hear whatever answer you give him regardless. 

Although, you don't get the chance to respond either way. "I think she has Art next. She's in my class though and we sit next to each other so she should be alright for that one." Ace informs the blonde on your behalf, apparently. An immediate smile gracing your lips at the mere fact that you'll see that handsome man again soon. You just can't help it, he's far too addictive for you.

You're aware that you're probably staring off into space as you think about the sexy blonde but you simply don't want to stop, you enjoy admiring him. Somebody's hand being shoved into your sights as they click their fingers, completely bringing you back to planet Earth...unfortunately. 

"Didn't you hear what Koala said?" Ace questions simply, earning a look that just screams 'obviously not' from you. Apparently it was his hand being the destroyer of your fantasizing too, you're not impressed about that. The freckled boy chuckling quietly. "She saw your sketch on the wall, the phoenix!"

Jesus, [F/n]! Will you pull your daydreaming self together?!

"Yeah, Marco took a liking to it~!" You squeak quietly to avoid the wrath of your moody Religious Studies teacher, Ace instantly furrowing his brows at your comment and Sabo even glancing at you questionably.

Clearly there's something you had said that isn't quite right but you can't tell what; he has lots of phoenix paintings and sketches scattered all over his walls, done by both boys and girls so it shouldn't give anything away. But it seems the brothers have clocked something strange in your sentence.

"Finally addressing him as just Marco, rather than 'Mr.' Marco now~?" Sabo quizzes with a playfulness in his voice, his comment causing Ace to chuckle quietly as his dark orbs shift toward the blonde. 

"You noticed that too, huh~? I thought I was the only one~!" 


You're quite literally saved by the bell though, a loud ring signalling the end of lesson as many of the students sigh in relief, all straightening up immediately. You've always got to keep your head down in Mr. Dracule's class, if he catches you slacking, you'll most likely get a book thrown at you. This teacher is rather savagely like that.

However, you must admit that this lesson went rather quickly, although this realization only leads you to hoping that Art doesn't go as fast. You silently consider dropping in on Marco during your break time but you ultimately decide against it. 

He said that he wouldn't care if he gets fired, you're aware of that but you'd rather not keep risking it, you don't want to cost the man you like his job.

"[F/n]? Are you coming or not?" A very puzzled Koala asks, her brow quirked as she stares down at you with concern in her eyes. The sweetheart even offering her hand out to you, a soft giggle leaving her lips. "C'mon, Miss Dreamy! You need some food, it'll wake you up a little~!" 

She must be about the fourth person that has made me eat this week...

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