Thatch's Smart Tongue.

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While the food is cooking, you take this as a chance to text Kid and find out where he's meeting you at Lunch. You've honestly been doing this cooking all by yourself while Bellamy just sits there, messaging his friends.

An immediate frown washing over your features as the blonde leans over your shoulder, trying to see exactly what you're typing. "I hope you're telling your other little boyfriend to back off~" His voice sounding threatening in a way and his closeness to you isn't at all appreciated.

"I'm texting Kid actually, asking him where he's going to meet me at Lunch!" You shoot back, your eyes scanning the time on your screen to see if your food will be ready yet or not. "Make yourself useful and wash the used cutlery since you're not planning to cook anything!"

The blonde grumbles to himself but does as asked nonetheless; probably because he knows that if he leaves the washing up to you, you'll be late to meet Kid and you won't hesitate to tell the redhead just why you're late.

"You think you're so special don't you, his 'queen', right?" Bellamy mocks as he washes the pans, your eyes still fixated on your phone screen though, flickering up to the clock every now and then. "You really think you're the only girl he's called that?"

That sends a sharp pang through your chest as your grip tightens around your phone. You're fully aware that Kid has had girlfriends before you and that he had probably treated them similarly but Bellamy makes it sound so filthy, like you're simply worthless to him.

"Make sure you don't miss a spot on that pan, wouldn't wanna have to wash it again, would you now~?" You sarcastically hum with forced confidence in your tone, trying to come off unaffected by the blonde's comment. It's not like his opinion should matter to you anyway. 

"I'll make sure I don't miss a spot on your other boyfriend too, Luffy isn't it? I'll beat him 'til he's black and blue, don't you worry about that!" The blonde snarls before his horrible laugh begins to echo throughout the classroom, it's in this moment you actually spot Thatch staring at him with narrowed eyes. 

An immediate smirk engraving itself into your lips as your eyes flicker back down to your screen. Honestly, even Bellamy shouldn't be dumb enough to threaten Luffy's well-being in front of his brothers. Thatch might be a teacher, but he was a big brother first and won't hesitate to punch this asshole's teeth down his throat, surely.

"Whoa~! Was that your laugh, Bellamy? I thought The Lion King's hyena made an appearance there for a second~!" Thatch snickers cheerfully, his comment would seem rather innocent to most people but you know just why he would say such a thing.

The whole class beginning to break out into laughter and usually, you'd disagree with this but people like Bellamy need to be on the receiving end sometimes to understand just how they make other people feel. Also, he hurt your feelings so screw him.

The cranky blonde unsurprisingly not having much to say back to Thatch but he sends him a brief glare before his eyes drift back down to the washing up. "Asshole..." He mutters under his breath but you doubt that anyone other than you could have heard that.

A weight feeling like it's lifted from your shoulders when you see that your food is ready, immediately taking it out just as the bell for Lunch time sounds. Bellamy groaning in displeasure since he's still got plenty of washing up to do whereas everyone else's partners had done it during the lesson and don't have to stay behind longer to finish it.

"Alright, everyone leave your food by my desk with you and your partner's names, I'll taste test them when they've cooled down a bit! Have a good Lunch~!" Thatch smiles, waving to the swarm of students rushing past him to get to the exit.

You can't really see what the rush is though; Mr. Thatch is an awesome teacher, you wouldn't mind having to stay behind with him but you're eager to see your boyfriend right now. 

"What do you wanna do whilst we're here, Bell~?" Thatch teases the grumpy student some more, leaning back against his desk with his arms folded over his chest. "Wanna listen to the Circle Of Life~? Hakuna Matata~?"

Bellamy only frowning at the brunette as he grumbles something under his breath, Thatch's eyes shifting toward you instead. "Will we be seeing you tonight?" And boy, does your stomach fall at his words.

You know he's merely asking if you'll be at Luffy's party but he could not have worded that worse even if he tried to. You begin to ask yourself if it was intentional; if he's trying to piss Bellamy off some more.

"I'll see what Kid says first, I'll come if he does~" You answer with a polite smile, you're all about pissing off Bellamy but you don't want that getting back to Kid and giving him the wrong impression. 

But considering Thatch just nods his head with a genuine grin, you'd assume that he wasn't wording it that way intentionally. If you ruined his bait like that, he'd undoubtedly pout or something like Ace would. 

"Ah, see ya later then~!" He chimes seeming to know immediately that Kid will want to attend, he might be an asshole sometimes but he does enjoy parties quite a bit, especially Luffy's. Thatch's eyes casting back over to a staring Bellamy before his voice deepens. "Oi! Those pans aren't gonna wash themselves!" 

Man, I love this guy.

Your phone whistling as you exit the classroom and instinctively, you're guessing it's Kid finally telling you where the meeting spot is but when you pull out your phone, you find something else.

Be My Bad Boy. {Eustass Kid x Reader x Marco}Where stories live. Discover now