All Hail The Queen.

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Upon entering the classroom, you're immediately greeted with the sight of Kid and Bonney making out but it doesn't really hurt you as much as you had thought it would, she's welcome to him.

Making your way over to your seat, you immediately pull out your things along with your earphones. Mr. Flam allows you to listen to music during lesson. In fact, he doesn't seem to care what you do during class, even if you refuse to work, he simply doesn't care.

You had thought that Mr. Shanks would be the calmest teacher in this school but if someone refuses to work in his class, he'll just stare them down with a face-melting glare until they crumble and do as they're told.

"Disgusting..." Bellamy mumbles grumpily, his desk is sat right behind yours so naturally, you assume he's speaking about you but then you hear Bonney's giggle followed by Kid grumbling some obscurities under his breath. 

Of course, he has a hatred for all of Kid's girlfriends. Have fun with that one, Bonney.

But you don't even get the chance to put your earphones in, someone pulling out a chair beside you and immediately, your eyebrows knit together as you instinctively glare up at the person. Your guard lowering when you realize it's just Trafalgar Law, the tan male taking a seat with a deflated sigh leaving his lips.

"Cora-san told me to check up on you, I presume you're feeling better today?" The boy sounding so unimpressed that he has to speak to you, his palm resting against his cheek while his elbow props itself up on the table.

"Yeah, I feel great! I was just tired yesterday really, it took a toll." You make sure to smile brightly at the boy as you speak to make sure he knows you're being genuine. You can just about feel Bellamy, Kid and probably even Jewelry Bonney all currently staring a hole through your back.

"Alright, I'll pass that onto Cora-san." The male murmurs calmly before he stands, making his way back to his own seat beside Penguin and Shachi and allowing you to finally plug your earphones into your ears.

"Why is she so happy?" Bellamy grumbles bluntly, Kid muttering something that you can't quite catch when your music begins to play. Leaning forward as you get started on your work, a smile on your face as you think back to Marco and how his lips felt against yours.

You had never thought you'd be excited for next lesson since it's Religious Studies with Mr. Dracule but it sure beats this. All of your closest friends are in that class also; Ace, Sabo and Koala. 

Mr. Dracule doesn't let anyone sit on their phones or listen to music but he allows light chatter as long as it doesn't get too loud or distracting for the other students. You actually miss Koala too, you didn't really speak to her much at the party and you honestly wish you had, hopefully you can make amends now.

After what feels like an eternity, the bell rings to signal the end of lesson. Mr. Flam handing out a sheet of homework to you as you're leaving the room, which is fine since he doesn't overwork anybody like many of the other teachers. It's a simple sheet of paper rather than having a huge textbook thrown at you and told to spend a majority of your day studying it. 

You suddenly feel a tug on your shoulder as you waltz through the corridor, forcing you to stop in your tracks. Your eyes flickering down to the pale hand that's holding onto you, then to the arm that the hand belongs to and then finally, the man himself. 

An irritated groan leaving your throat as your eyes land upon Kid, instinctively shrugging his limb off of your shoulder as you send daggers at the redhead. "And what do you want? Kinda in a hurry here, Kiddo." 

A mockery comment really, you know full-well that he got called kiddo a lot as a child when people were degrading him about his age and his name at the same time, so of course you're going to use it against him now.

"Don't pretend you hate me, [F/n]." The boy has the nerve to blurt, his arms folding over his chest as he tries to stare you down. "You don't go from loving someone to hating them within a few days."

Oh, I beg to differ!

"I'm not actually sure I loved you anyway, if I'm being entirely honest." Your words coming out sharp and clipped, like two icicles being scraped together and Kid's face slowly falling into a mixture of hurt and rage. "I think you were just a phase. You know, especially with that bad boy attitude, everyone wants to give people like you ago but...I can't say you impressed me much with your visage, honestly."

"Are you fucking serious?!" Kid growls coldly, looking about ready to punch you in the face. But you're not afraid because if he even tries to strike you, you'll be sure to end his life within seconds. "Who the fuck are you trying to fool?!" With a smug smirk on your face you turn around, about to make your way to lesson before a sharp tug on your arm pulls you back. "Who's the other guy then?!"

Other guy?! OTHER. GUY. Oh, that's fucking rich, Kid!

"You know what?" You begin with a forced calmness in your tone as you yank your arm back, a chuckle escaping your lips. "The other guy? He's fucking perfect, Kid. He has something about him that you just don't have, nor does anyone else. He's got a good sense of humor, he's sweet, playful, a bit badass too...a unique kind of guy~" You'd be lying if you said you weren't enjoying the look on that asshole's face, his jaw being pulled taut and a fiery glare shining brightly in his eyes.

"Who is he?!"

"I like to call him Mr. Perfect~!" You retort smugly, turning on your heel before you make your way to your lesson, only offering the redhead a short wave over your shoulder. "Have fun with Queen Bon-Bon Kiddo~!"

This time your cheery tone isn't too forced, you're genuinely feeling happy that you kicked that turd off of his high horse and you're even more thrilled that you weren't even lying, Marco is completely perfect in your eyes and he's all yours.

The interesting thing is; people still seem to love you. Sure, you might not be with Eustass Kid anymore but students still respect you, like when you had a panic attack and no one said a bad word about you, they were more concerned about your well-being than anything else. You're still the Queen of this shit-hole despite the break-up.

And Marco is my King~!

Be My Bad Boy. {Eustass Kid x Reader x Marco}Where stories live. Discover now