The Homewrecker.

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It's a simple picture with no caption sent from an unknown number and it's of Kid but he appears to be kissing someone. Another girl, by the looks of it.

Your heart sinking at the image as cold sweat begins to form across your forehead, a wave of depression hitting you like a tsunami. You want to be angry, or sad at least, but whatever emotions you would usually feel just aren't taking effect yet.

Upon staring at the photo for a minute, you notice that the girl is actually someone you know, Marguerite. She's a blonde girl in your science class and she's usually rather quiet but nice, you wouldn't have thought for a minute that she would do something like this.

A text message from Kid appearing at the top of the screen saying to meet him behind the school, that isn't necessarily a surprise to you though since he's always going back there to smoke cigarettes with his friends. 

I think I am going to kill him...

Your legs feel heavy with each step you take and everything feels so surreal all of a sudden, your heart beginning to ache when you make it to the back of the school. You immediately see him speaking to another girl, this one being Nami.

The redhead's smile is what triggers the delayed anger though as your steps grow faster, to the point where you're essentially power-walking toward him. You can feel your eyes burn as your rage begins to spiral out of control. Your face must be as red as a slapped bottom right now but you couldn't care less.

"Kid." Your voice almost a growl as you approach him, the male's smile only widening as his golden orbs land on your small frame and his arms opening to give you a hug although, what he doesn't expect is for you to instantly slap him across the face before stepping out of his arm's way. There's no way in hell you're accepting a hug from this cheating son-of-a-bitch.

"What--! WHAT THE HELL, [F/N]?!"  

"What the hell, you say? I could ask you the same thing, Kid!" You bark harshly, shoving your phone in his face with the picture on full display and Nami immediately beginning to look uncomfortable as she slowly steps away before sneaking completely out of earshot of this argument. "How do you explain that shit?! And what the fuck is Nami doing here, huh?!"

Luckily for the orange-haired girl, she was long gone by this point otherwise you might have just decked her also. Kid staring at your phone in bewilderment before he looks down at you, your handprint already noticeable against his pale skin.

"W-Wait! Calm down, [F/n]!" Kid blurts as he turns the phone to face you, pointing to Marguerite's figure. "Are you blind?! This is photoshopped! And Nami just came to ask if I wanna go to Luffy's damn party tonight!"

Your brow twitching in irritation as you look closely at the photo on your phone, you're not good with spotting these things; how Kid even knows it's photoshopped is a true mystery to you, you can't seem make out any flaws in the picture whatsoever.

"I thought you trusted me here, [F/n]! Isn't that what a relationship is?" The redhead adds as he drops your phone back into your palm, his fingertips running across the painful print left on his cheek. "I've never cheated on you! I don't plan to either!"

With a deep and shaky sigh, you try to calm your unnerved body down. Admittedly you're feeling a little stupid for flipping out over a simple photo like that, whoever is trying to come in between you both would be pleased to see how gullible you're being.

He doesn't look twice at girls, of course I am being tricked here! Marguerite isn't that type of girl either! 

"S-Sorry..." Your head dropping in embarrassment as you massage your temples with your index and middle fingers. "I didn't think straight and Bellamy had just said how you've called a lot of girls your queen before and I-I guess it just hit me in the ego a bit..."

Your explanation only drawing a low growl from Kid's lips as he slips his hands under your chin, cupping your cheeks as he lifts your head so that your eyes are making contact with his. "Bellamy said...what?" 

Kid's hands immediately growing warm against your face as his eyebrows knit together, his jaw pulled taut as he grits his teeth harshly. You can see the rage in his eyes as he awaits your answer and you can tell he's discreetly wishing that he had misheard you.

"Bellamy said that you've called a lot of girls your quee--!" Before you get to finish your answer, you find Kid's lips against yours and his thumb gently brushing against your cheekbone during the liplock.

You immediately melt into the redhead's affections, your previous anger and embarrassment seeming to boil away as his hands slowly run down to your waist and pulls you flush against him as he deepens the make-out session, his breath tasting like smoke. 

"Don't listen to that loser," Kid murmurs against your lips, kissing you again before pulling away, his body still tensed with anger. "He's just bitter because he can't land himself a girl like you. And when I find out who made that picture, I'll kill them."

The male kissing you again but only briefly before he storms off, probably to attack Bellamy known him. Your heart rate beginning to slow down as you lean back against the school building, trying hard to catch your weakened breath. 

Boy, that guy can kiss...

Bringing the phone back into your sights, you skim the sender's number once again. You've never seen it before nor do you know how they would have gotten a hold of you, you're usually rather careful about who you give your digits to.

Maybe I should ask around at the party tonight...

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