I'm Ready Now.

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You had unfortunately passed out while Ace was round but at least he won't shun you for it. He's always passing out on people himself so he will know that it's because you're tired and that you're not trying to be rude or anything like that.

A pair of quiet voices breaking into your slumber but you're still so tired that you can't even bring yourself to open your eyes or even to speak. "I came here to pick you up yoi. I'm not going to disturb her, she's exhausted."

Marco's here?!

"I know but you can't leave her like that, she looks so uncomfortable!" Ace defensively blurts, you can feel a tight grip on your wrist before someone tugs it roughly. "I'll hold her arms and you hold her legs, Marco!"

In all fairness, you are slightly uncomfortable on this sofa. You can feel your neck beginning to stiffen in this position but even still, you're so sleepy that you just might deal with the slight pain in just as long as it means getting some rest.

"Don't pick her up like that, you asshole! She's not a skipping rope yoi!" The grip on your wrist suddenly releasing you before a warmth begins to radiate your body, an arm scooping to the back of your knees as another lifts your back, levitating you from the couch. "I'll take her to her room, just show me where it is, Ace."

You could already guess from the pleasant warmth that the one carrying you is Marco but the fact that you feel his chest vibrate as he speaks is a much welcomed confirmation. "Ha, don't drop her, Marco~!" Ace's teasing voice reaches your ears as Marco carefully carries you up the stairs, the footsteps ahead must be the freckled brother leading the way. "I'm not too sure which room is hers by the way, I don't go to her bedroom when I come here."

"Well, that's a relief yoi..."

Is that a slight possessive trait there, Marco?

"Hey, I've found it, I think! There's a massive teddy bear in this room so I'd guess its [F/n]'s, anyway. I doubt Rayleigh would keep plushies." Ace chimes merrily, his voice seeming to get louder by the second but you'd assume that's because Marco's walking toward him.

And they would be surprised about your uncle Rayleigh, he bought that teddy bear for you because he simply found the stuffed toy adorable and insisted that you have it. He's a real softie, really.

"Isn't there some sort of law against a teacher carrying a student to the bedroom though~?" Ace teases further, a soft comfort on your back as the blonde lowers you to the bed, his arms now leaving your frame completely.

"If the teacher is a creep, sure. But I wouldn't do anything to someone who's passed out, student or not yoi. It's basically rape and you better not have touched her either." A low growl now emerging in Marco's voice as he speaks lowly, a somewhat threatening kick to his words.

"I wouldn't do that to her, she's too much like a sister!"

"You don't do that to anyone yoi!" The blonde empathizes boldly as another softness drapes over your body, most likely from your duvet. Your heart fluttering at the mere fact that the handsome male is really taking the time to tuck you in. "Has she eaten since you've been here?"

It never ceases to amaze you how sweet and caring this man is, you've always known that he's a nice guy but now you're experiencing it all first hand and quite frankly, it makes you want his babies. One day, of course, not any time soon.

"Yeah, she had a pasta bake. You know, those things that you cook? And she wouldn't even share it with me!" Ace whines quietly and you can already sense that he's pouting in the process, his voice growing distant as he makes his way out of the room. 

"Good, she needs to eat yoi." Marco's voice also growing distant before the sound of your bedroom door closing catches your ear. Surely, it must be about 12-1am right now and they need to get up early. Yet here they were, looking after you.

Now that's true loyalty...

The sound of a loud bang against your bedroom window suddenly snaps you awake, your room light now and your body feeling slightly stiff. It feels like Marco and Ace had only just left but you know that they wouldn't have been here at this time of morning, it's now 6am. Not to mention, your bed now feels warm so you've definitely been here for a few hours at least.

Climbing out of bed you make your way toward your window, intending to find out exactly what that noise was. A slight twinge in your chest when you open the curtains, your orbs widening as they land on a dizzy bird outside.

Poor thing must have flew straight into the glass...

You watch in slight admiration as the little fella ruffles his feathers a little before taking off again, flying around as if nothing had happened and although it's just a little bird, it actually inspires you. 

If a small creature like that can overcome splatting into your window then you can surely overcome a bit of hurt feelings, besides it's like Ace said the other day; you've got other guys that like you. A better guy than Eustass Cheating-Prick Kid.

Yeah, time to get back into the saddle, [F/n]!

Without any hesitation whatsoever, you begin to get dressed and ready for school, a text message from Ace even offering you a lift. Looks like it's going to be your day this week, a merry smile on your face as you eagerly accept his offer. 

I've got this!

Be My Bad Boy. {Eustass Kid x Reader x Marco}Where stories live. Discover now