Heart Attacks.

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"S-Sure...?" You blurt nervously, your eyes widening as you witness the blonde carefully tear the page out of your sketchpad. An adorable smile on his face as he takes it over to his desk, grabbing some blu-tack before putting the drawing up on his wall behind his office chair.

It's on full display for everyone to see!

You can hear Nami giggling from behind you but quite frankly you're too weary of the fact that Bonney usually sits beside the orange-haired girl to even take a look behind you although you're sure she hasn't made it to class yet. Now you begin to wonder if Nami is really innocent herself; she was behind the school with Kid on Friday.

No, Kid wouldn't be so bold, he knew I was on my way there. But then...he also knew I was at the party...

A quiet sigh leaving your lips as you begin to massage your temples with your fingertips, you hadn't slept properly since that night and it's clearly taking an effect; making you paranoid. 

Nami might be a gold-digger and a pervert but she's not the sort to encourage cheating, or so you try to convince yourself anyway. Your mind just keeps going back to the smile on Kid's face when he spoke to her, the smile he once gave you.

Your mood only worsens when you hear Bonney's voice enter the room, the pinkette speaking to someone as she waltzes in. It's only when they respond you realize it's Killer. Of course, Kid's friends are her friends now.

Your eyes flickering up at your drawing on Mr. Marco's wall in attempts to console yourself, although you only see the blonde himself. The man standing in front of the sketch, leaning back against his desk with a cup of coffee in his hands.

He's so cute...

"You know what to do yoi, just continue your sketches from last week." The male instructs with a forged professional tone as he brings his coffee to his lips, his eyes falling closed as he guzzles the hot drink. 

Late night, Mr. Marco?

"I thought you said that you weren't giving Kid a chance." You hear Nami mutter from behind you, the comment almost causes you to turn and face her, assuming that she's speaking to you. But thankfully, the realization hits you before you make an idiot of yourself.

Duh, me! Bonney sits next to her! 

"I thought he had broken up with...you know, but apparently not. She was so pissed the other night." Bonney replies in a lowered tone, but not low enough. You can feel your heart beginning to ache, pains even beginning to surface in your back and your breathing becoming strained.

My name isn't 'you know' bitch...

"Whoa, what a jerk! You told him where he can shove his lies, right?!" Nami blurts back loudly, the entire class falling silent and staring at her for a moment, well except for you anyway. Your focus is still fixated on your sketchbook, your hand pressing against your stiffened chest as you struggle to breathe properly.

The other students slowly begin to turn their attention back to their work, Bonney seeing this as a green light to answer. "Well...not really. He said he really does love me, y'know?" The response causes your chest to hurt more and your hands to tremble uncontrollably.

Am I dying? Am I having a heart attack??

"Are you okay, [F/n]?" Ace whispers to you but you're admittedly too stunned to reply, your body completely shutting down on you and cold sweat beginning to pour down your face.

"That's enough gossiping yoi, you're disturbing the class." Mr. Marco grumbles as he frowns at Nami and Bonney. The cute teacher still leaning back against his desk but is now holding the register in his hands, his eyes scanning the room before he ticks off the names. "Does anyone know why Penguin isn't here?"

That's a good question since he was in English earlier. Admittedly you wouldn't usually care, it's Penguin's business, not yours. But right now you're just trying to focus your attention on anything other than your heart pains.

"He got sent to the principle's office because he whistled at some girl for wearing a skirt." Law mumbles bluntly, his grey eyes still focused on his work as he shades his sketch. Mr. Marco rolling his eyes at the reason but ticking the register nonetheless. The man knows how Penguin is with the ladies, surely this doesn't surprise him in the slightest. 

"Kid just said he loves me, Nami~ Look~" Bonney whispers but you still overhear it, the words causing your chest to hurt more and your breathing to stiffen completely. Rising from your seat, you begin to make your way over to Mr. Marco in attempts to ask him if you can go to the nurse's office but when you reach him, your words won't leave your lip and your vision begins to blur as tears fill your eyes. 

I'm going to faint! I'm going to faint in front of everybody!

Mr. Marco looking at you with worried eyes as he drops the register down on his desk, his hand immediately pressing against your back as he ushers you out of the room. "I'll be back in a minute class, don't mess around in my absence!" Mr. Marco calls out and you can already hear some of the students whispering curiously but thankfully, none of it seems to be vicious.

The blonde pulling the classroom door shut once outside before he sits you down on a chair in the hall, he then cups your hands and pushes them against your mouth and nose. "You're having a panic attack yoi, breathe into your palms." 

You immediately do as you're told, breathing weakly into your hands as Mr. Marco takes his phone out of his pocket, the male tapping the screen a few times before pressing the speaker against his ear.

Fearful tears beginning to stream down your face as you gasp desperately for air, all you can hear is the dialing noises from Marco's cell before another male's voice emerges. "Thatch? Do you have any classes right now yoi? I need you to substitute mine while I take a student to Rosinante." 

Great. Real attractive, [F/n]. Having a break down in front of the dreamy teacher...

"Okay, thanks." Mr. Marco murmurs, hanging up the phone before he helps you rise to your feet. "Come on yoi, it's gonna be alright. I'm not leaving you." The male comforts sweetly as he wraps a supportive arm around your shoulders, guiding you toward the nurse's office. 

Your breathing calming slightly and your pains beginning to ease, that or you've gone completely numb from an emotional breakdown. Mr. Marco knocking on the nurse's door before entering and the first thing you see is smoke. Lots of smoke.

Your tall nurse offering you a friendly wave with a cigarette in his mouth and a small fire on his shoulde--A SMALL FUCKING FIRE. THE GUY IS ON FIRE. Your eyes just about leaping from your skull as Mr. Marco hastily rips off his suit jacket, throwing it over the school's nurse and using the material to dab out the fire. 

"Damn it yoi! How you even got hired, I don't know!" The blonde grumbles as he manages to extinguish out the flames, the quiet nurse only smiling as his amber eyes land on you, his hand gesturing to the doctor's bed for a seat. "A-Anyway, this student here has had a panic attack, should we send her home?"

Can't I just stay with Mr. Marco? Like forever??

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