Sweet Dreams.

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"Yeah, him and pops drink together sometimes yoi~" Mr. Marco states with a small smile gracing his lips as he gently takes your hands , cupping them carefully as he brings them to his mouth, radiating them with his warm breath. "You're freezing yoi! Take a lay down, I'll get you a cup of coffee!"

You want to do as he asked but quite frankly, you can't move. Your eyes fixated on his and your heart racing rapidly at his closeness, your limbs only beginning to function when the teacher rises to his feet, releasing you in the process. "Do you take sugar, [F/n]?"

I'll take your sugar~! ...What in the blue hell is wrong with me? 

"No, I'm sweet enough." You weakly jest as you rub your hands together in attempts to warm them up, a light blush spreading across your cheeks while you rethink the way he held them against his mouth. Such a sweet man and his stubble felt nice, it tickled your knuckles.

The blonde leaving the room to make your coffee as you go over and over the affectionate gesture in your head, you even begin to wonder if he would have kissed them for you.

No, I shan't think about such things... 

It's not necessarily illegal though, you're technically at the age of consent...but just barely. And he's a teacher, no matter how old you are, it's simply frowned upon to feel anything for them and he surely wouldn't reciprocate your feelings.

The handsome man finally re-entering the room with a cup of coffee, handing it over as he returns to his seat beside you on the couch, the blonde still watching your movements with a slight uneasiness in his eyes. 

"You're looking a lot better now, can you breathe properly yoi?" He questions slowly as you set down your drink, clearly still worried for you. But what you hadn't expected was for the teacher to suddenly wrap his arms around your small frame and to gently pull you into his chest. 

You're aware that he's only trying to comfort you but it's simply causing your heart havoc and your face to burn as you shyly return the actions, your hands instinctively gripping onto his dress shirt as you rest your head against his chest.

But the strange thing is; you're feeling a certain warmth. It's not quite the same warmth that you felt with your mother but it's similar, you feel safe with this man and for some reason, loved. Your hands uncontrollably clutching to him as you breathe in his scent, his cologne smells fucking gorgeous and his closeness makes you wish he'd never leave.

"Mr. Marco--"

"Just call me Marco yoi, we're not at school right now and you've known me too long to stick to the formalities, don't you think?" He chirps into your sentence, sending you an adorable smile that just about causes your heart to melt inside your chest.

So. Fucking. Cute.

"Right, Marco..." Being able to address the male properly shouldn't cause so much heat in your face but you just can't get a grip on yourself, your eyes must be shining like stars as you stare up at him right now and your brain having to unscramble itself for a moment before you speak. "I-I..just wanted to ask something; have you ever cheated on a girl or been cheated on yourself?"

You have absolutely no idea why you'd want to know such a thing, whether he had or not is entirely his own business but shockingly, Marco doesn't seem to mind the curious question at all. The male shrugging as his brows knit together in thought, his eyes drifting up to the ceiling.

"I haven't cheated myself, no. But I've been cheated on once, sort of. It was back in high school and she wasn't really a legitimate girlfriend so I don't know if it counts, we just went on a few dates and then she suddenly told me that she has been dating both me and Thatch."


"Why would she do that?" Your voice sounds awfully low due to disdain mostly, Kid and Bonney had hurt you enough but you can only imagine how agonizing it would have been if Jewelry Bonney was your sister or something.

"I guess she didn't know which brother she wanted yoi~" Marco chuckles softly, his warm chest vibrating against your cheek and causing you to giggle along with him although you see no humor in cheating whatsoever. "Thatch didn't know about me either so we were fine, we just both cut her off~"

Ouch! Serves her right though.

"What was her name~?" Again you're not sure why you even ask, you're just looking for conversation now. Anything to keep him speaking and for the vibrations of his chest to continue massaging your cheek. 

"Whitey Bay, I think yoi." Marco hums thoughtfully, it's a bit shocking that he has to even think about it though. He's older than you, sure but he's still young. It isn't like he's had many years to forget...unless it hurt him more than he lets on, maybe he blocked the memory out.

"I don't know why anyone would cheat on you," You bluntly murmur, your orbs casting up to his face as you pout playfully, your mood beginning to lighten up now. You're not the only one who had been treated in such a way and as selfish as that sounds, you're happy that you're not alone in this. "You're sweet, Marco."

The glimmer of surprise washing over his features doesn't go unnoticed, the male trying his best to contain it as he smirks playfully, his head tilting to the side. "I know right yoi, aren't people ungrateful~?"

His retort drawing another chortle from your lips as you nod your head to his playful jest. "Yes, they~!" It's in mid-laughter that your eyes actually seem to get lost in his and your bones begin to feel like they're buzzing but it's a pleasant sensation.

You hesitantly lean forward a little, your lips hovering over his as to test your boundaries and surprisingly, he doesn't reject the gesture. The blonde just gazing into eyes as his hand slowly comes up to cup your cheek tenderly, his lips finally meeting yours.


The feeling of his lips on yours is sweet though, warmth spreading throughout your entire body and making it seem like this is melting you, as if any moment now you'll end up a pile of goop on the floor like the witch from The Wizard Of Oz.

However, you can't help but smile into the kiss as you feel his light stubble brush against your chin, you attempt to deepen the lip-lock but Marco merely breaks it, his face as red as Mr. Shanks' hair. 

He looks slightly conflicted now though, not regretful but not certain with himself either. "I already told you yoi, you need to rest a little..." If anyone else said that, you'd feel like they're being mean but the fact that Marco genuinely carries deep concern in his voice is a comfort to you, your head resting back against his chest somewhat obediently.

You're not losing your human pillow over a kiss, if he doesn't want it to go any further that's fine, but you intend to take a nap right here on this handsome bastard's chest whether he likes it or not. 

Although, you'd assume he likes the idea since his fingertips are running languidly through your hair and he doesn't seem too uncomfortable by your presence. Then you realize that he's actually being a gentleman here.

Sure, he might have rejected your advances slightly but you have just come out of a troubled relationship. He most likely thinks that you're not in the right state of mind to be making out with someone yet...which is more than what most guys would do. Most of them see an opportunity to get into someone's panties and they take it without hesitation, whether the chick is thinking clearly or not. But Marco isn't like that, he's a different breed entirely...

Wait. Ace said that another guy liked me the other day but he couldn't say who...could he have meant Marco?

Be My Bad Boy. {Eustass Kid x Reader x Marco}Where stories live. Discover now