Gotta Have That Mojo.

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The second Ace pulls up in the parking lot, you thank him for the lift before rushing off toward the Art classrooms, naturally there's an ulterior motive since you don't have Art until third period today. 

Poor Ace is probably confused with your actions but right now it's still early and not many students are here yet, it's the best time to drop by and say hello to a certain teacher. Upon reaching his office you hear another voice, this stopping you in your tracks completely.

It's a man's voice...

"Nah, I have one class today at nine and after that, I'm going home. I haven't had much sleep." Judging by the tone you'd imagine that it's Shanks but you begin to second-guess yourself when you rethink the volume, it's too quiet to be Shanks'. 

However; Thatch sounds a lot like him and he does have a class at 9am, it's not yours though. It's Kid's class, the redhead used to always complain about Thatch because the brunette would apparently rip on him. Which shouldn't really surprise you since Thatch isn't a fan of bullies either and will happily put them on the receiving end, if and whenever given the opportunity. 

"Me either yoi, I had a lot of tests to mark last night."

"Oh yeah? That's what you call swooning over this Rise chick~? I still wanna meet her one day, you know that, right?" Thatch's voice seeming to get closer and closer to the door but you refuse to leave until you've spoken to Marco.

Pulling out your phone, you pretend that you're scrolling through social media, since that's what most students do when they're lingering around in corridors like you currently are. "Whatever yoi." Being the last thing Marco mutters before Thatch emerges from the classroom, the brunette apparently not looking where he's going and walking straight into you.

He doesn't hurt you though, it's just a small nudge if anything. And that's probably because he stopped dead in his tracks the second he felt something touch him, a sheepish smile spreading across his face as he glances down at you. "Oh, sorry about that darlin', didn't see you there!" He politely chimes, making his way around you to take his leave and giving you the opportunity to make your way into Marco's room.

The blonde apparently not sensing your presence, his eyes as half-lidded as ever and harboring dark circles as he reads, what looks like, an art book. It's only when you approach his desk, his bored-looking orbs drift up at you, soon shining brightly as he smiles though.

"[F/n]?! I've got to say, I'm surprised to see you here today yoi~!" The blonde chirps enthusiastically as he springs up from his seat, walking around to the front of his desk and cupping your cheeks with his warm hands, but you soon realize that he's only doing that to inspect your face closely. "You still look a bit tired, but good nonetheless~! How are you feeling~?"

With a merry grin you stare at his own features, your brow quirking playfully as you snicker to yourself. "Tired? Me? Have you seen your eyes today~?" You retort with a cheekily kick to your tone but Marco knows you're only playing around. The blonde chuckling softly as he releases your face, leaning back against his desk languidly.

"Heh, touché...~ So, what can I do for you yoi? Are you here for conversation or do you need anything particular?" The drop-dead sexy teacher asks with a slight shimmer in his eyes, his hands reaching out and gently taking yours as he awaits an answer.

You're honestly half tempted to ask what this is to him, whether he really likes you or if you're just a sad little teenager in his eyes but you rather not know right now, mainly because you fear the worst. I mean, you're only just starting to feel better in yourself and you don't necessarily want to jeopardize that.

Come on, [F/n]! Why are you arguing with a good thing? You know Marco isn't like that!

"I just came to say hello~" You playfully giggle despite your dilemma, the blonde only grinning at your sentence as he gently tugs you closer to him by your hands, his gorgeous eyes locking with yours.

"You know you're welcome to come and say hello whenever you want~" The male hums before he straights himself up, his arms essentially guiding themselves around your waist as he pecks your lips sweetly.

And as much as you absolutely adore this feeling, you can't help but worry about the fact that the classroom door is wide open and students are quite likely to wonder past. "Aren't you scared of getting caught?" Your question leaving your lips on pure impulse and causing the male to seemingly contemplate for a moment before he loosely shrugs his shoulders, his arms still never leaving you.

"You're at the legal age so if anything, I'd just get fired. But between you and me? I can't say I would miss this job much yoi...waking up at 4:30am kinda sucks." The male answers with extreme honestly and his words actually causing you to giggle since you can relate so well, you're not necessarily one for early mornings either. "I'll only miss you...but then, I'll still see you very often. You can count on that."

But I like being able to see you at all times of the daaay!

Before you even have a chance to think up a response, you find Marco's lips pressing against yours once again but this time the kiss is more passionate rather than a simple peck, his strong arms pulling you flush against him as he deepens the kiss.

The feeling he gives you is enough to make your head spin, his kiss is like a mixture of lightning and fire, the handsome bastard is like a drug you simply can't get enough of. A slight pinch of his teeth on your bottom lip as if to ask for entrance but you hadn't forgotten that he teased you a little when you kissed him yesterday.

Instead of allowing such things, you merely press yourself hard against his body, an innocent action in itself but you knew exactly what effect it would have. Marco softly grunting into the lip-lock as he grips onto the back of your thigh firmly, it's clear that you've managed to arouse him just by doing that. And now you break the kiss like he had done before himself, leaving him hanging and gasping for air.

"That...was just cruel yoi...~" He murmurs light-heartedly with a cute smile etched into his features, his voice quivering a little as he tries to catch his breath. However, the moment is shattered when the sound of the school bell rings out, signalling that first lesson is about to start. This only causing your handsome teacher to sigh as he reluctantly releases you. "We will continue this later, don't you worry~"  

"Oh, I do hope so, Mr. Marco~" You gleefully tease, making your way to the door but being sure to shoot the man a small smirk over your shoulder as he makes his way back behind his desk, sitting down in his seat and possibly trying to hide his...excitement in the process. Of course it's far too late for that, you already felt it when you were kissing him.

"See ya third period...Rise~"

And hell yeah he will, you're determined to hold yourself together until then. Unfortunately Kid is in your first lesson; Maths with Mr. Flam, or Franky as they all call him. But Bonney is in that class too so hopefully, he'll be too focused on her to even try and speak to you.

Your fingers rising to your lips as you leave the room, making your way to your Math's classroom. They're still tingling a little from the electric-like sensation and it still feels as if his stubble is still gently brushing against your chin.

God, that man is a good kisser...

Be My Bad Boy. {Eustass Kid x Reader x Marco}Where stories live. Discover now