Art With Mr. Perfect.

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"How are you doing yoi?" Marco asks with a sweet smile on his face as he sits on the edge of your table, his observant orbs watching closely as you perfect your sketch's lines.

Pausing in your movements, you look up at the handsome blonde with a big and genuine smile gracing your lips. "I'm doing alright, Mr. Marco~" You chime playfully, causing the male to smirk. A slightly serious expression taking your features as you remember your dilemma with the paint. "But there's one thing I'm troubled with, I feel that if I paint this, I'll just ruin it. Do you think I should just leave it as a sketch?" 

Marco's eyes filling with deep thought as he stares down at your work for a moment before slowly shaking his head. "No, it'll look good painted yoi...just have the paint dark and watery colors, it'll really set the mood for bullying." The sexy blonde's orbs flickering back up to yours and his unwavering smile still somehow managing to cause your face to heat up. "If you want, I'll mix the colors for you? Get them looking right?"

"He can't do that!" You hear Bonney grumble bitterly, although you'd assume she's only being a bitch because she heard Kid refer to you as 'his girl' which you hardly approve of anyway. Not that you care what that girl thinks, she's got just about as much respect from you as a piece of dirt does. "It's meant to be her own work!"

"It's my class yoi, I can teach it how I want." Marco answers with a slight hiss in his tone as he glares a hole through the pinkette's face, Ace now watching his brother discreetly with a small smirk etched into his lips. "I don't recall inviting you to join this conversation either, so shut your face."

WHOA! Daaaamn!

You're honestly fighting a battle right now, trying your hardest not to laugh at the blonde's attitude with the girl as he makes his way over to the supply cupboard, beginning to collect some paint for you.

"He's such a jerk!" Bonney huffs with a slight croak in her voice as if she's close to crying or something, the girl continuing her work regardless. You're not too surprised that he responded in such a way though, he's never been a fan of someone butting into conversations, especially when they haven't even gotten anything pleasant to say.

Yeah, she deserved that one...

The cutie bringing the paints to your desk, putting some blue, black and white on a palette before mixing them together until the color turns to a pale blue/grey shade. "Maybe have this sort of effect? If you want to go really dark, you could add some blood and have that as the only thing that actually harbors some real color?"

Oh, I like that style! Marco...why are you so sma--He's a teacher, [F/n]. Of course he'll be smart.

The handsome gent leaning over your smaller frame as he shows you an example, dipping the brush into the water before the paint, giving it a weaker impact as he colors one of the bullies in your sketch. His chest pressing firmly against your back and causing your heart to race as your face rapidly begins to burn up.

Fuuuuck! He's so close!

You have to essentially force your eyes to focus on the adjustments, rather than the handsome man making them. Suddenly you feel a pair of lips against the back of your head, the blonde giving you a subtle kiss before he pulls away. "What do you think yoi? If you don't like it, you can paint over it, it's so watery that it won't be seen through another layer."

You'd like to give him an answer but you're currently frozen stiff from shock, Marco's eyes shifting toward a hollering Usopp, the dark-haired student sat with his hand in the air and waiting patiently for the teacher's attention.

"You alright over there yoi~?"


"Mr. Marco, my zombie kinda looks too scary to look at...d-do I have to paint it?" Some of the class snickering at Usopp's question but you're honestly not surprised that he's scared, the boy is a good artist, it's no shocker that his drawing looks so scary.

"Y-Yeah can cover the half you're not working on whilst you paint the rest if that helps...?" The adorable man stampers out, his brows furrowing in bewilderment as he straightens himself up. Ace whistling quietly to gain your attention as Marco makes his way over to Usopp, the teacher clearly curious about this zombie drawing.

"Did he just kiss you~?" Ace whispers, his voice is only barely audible but that's probably a good thing considering the circumstances. The freckled boy doesn't look too worried though, a chesire cat-like grin on his lips as he watches his older brother from afar.

"Yeah, he did~" Your answer only causing Ace to playfully raise a brow as his grin seems to grow slightly teasing. "What's with that look? It's what people do when they like someone!" You can't help getting defensive, you're not entirely sure how Ace feels about this relationship between you and his brother since you had only just been cheated on. 

You're honestly scared that he will think you're merely using Marco, which you're not. You really do adore the man and he does make you feel a certain kind of happiness that you didn't even know existed.

"Relax, I'm not judging you!" Ace chuckles quietly as his eyes flicker back to your face, his elbow propping up on the desk as he rests his chin in his palm. "I'm just happy for my brother, he seems like he really likes you~!"

And just like that; your breath gets stuck in your throat and your face lights up like the fourth of July, your entire body beginning to feel oddly warm and giddy as you shyly avoid Ace's stare, your orbs casting down to your work as you simply paint your sketch. 

"Pfft~! Look how shy you're getting~!"


A knock on the classroom door pulling your attention to Mr. Garp, the man storming into the room with his arms folded over his chest. "Marco! Get over here, boy! I gotta talk to ya!" He essentially demands and this honestly has you worried. 

Your wide orbs drifting toward the blonde as he covers up half of Usopp's work with a piece of paper, offering the student a polite smile before he makes his way over to Mr. Garp, his gaze discreetly landing on you as a small smile tugs on his lips before he stops beside the Gym teacher, his eyes now flickering up to the large man.

"What do you need yoi~?"

I don't know about Mr. Garp here, but I need your discretion, you sexy daredevil!

Be My Bad Boy. {Eustass Kid x Reader x Marco}Where stories live. Discover now