Between A Rock and A Royal Place

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‘I knew that I had only five days left until I was to return to the castle, it was a lot on my mind; on the one hand, I’d be stuck taking long and hard lessons although I enjoy being close to Chip who needs his godsister.. but on the other hand if I gave up the crown, I could spend all my time with Gaston.. He had given me a lot to think about...’

“Joëlle..” Gaston said

“Gaston.. I only have five days until I have to return to the castle.. back to all those long lessons, insane to-do lists and a very busy schedule every day if I’m to become Queen.” I said

“Will you be happy once you’ve left the village?” Gaston asked

“No one’s ever asked me if I was happy before. I was always told where to go, what to do and who to meet with, but no one has asked how I was feeling.” I said

“Joëlle, what if you chose to stay in the village? We wouldn’t have to say goodbye. We could stay together. Start a new life.” Gaston said

“Are you asking me to stay? Gaston, I have some time to make a decision.” I said

“Joëlle, are you seriously considering giving up the crown to stay in the village with Gaston?” Maurice asked

“Grandpa, I can’t really explain it right now..” I said

“Your granddaughter and I are in love, Maurice. If she were to go back, I’d follow her wherever she’d go..” Gaston said

“Joëlle.. in love with Gaston? This can’t be..” Maurice said

“Gaston.. I didn’t know that you felt this way.” I said

“Joëlle, what would your parents say if they were to hear that you gave up the crown to stay in the village with Gaston?” Maurice asked

“I would give it up if it made me feel unhappy.” I said 

“Joëlle, you’re crown princess you have your duty to the subjects of your kingdom.” Maurice said

“But what if I wanted more than a charmed life in a castle? I feel like I’m imprisoned in my own home.. I love being outside the castle. It’s something I’ve secretly dreamed about.” I said

‘Meanwhile at the castle, Belle and Adam had been pacing around the throne room awaiting to hear from a letter they had sent.. Worry and fear had struck their hearts..’

“She hasn’t gotten back to us, Do you think Joëlle got the letter?” Belle asked

“I’m sure she’s alright, Belle.. Joëlle is strong like you are.. besides, she returns home in a few days.” Adam said

“You’re right.. this is the longest time we’ve been away from her. What if she prefers the village to the castle?” Belle asked

“Absolutely not, I forbid this engagement. And I’m sure that your parents would agree with me.” Maurice said

“I want to marry your granddaughter. She’s kind to me.. She’s been taking care of my injuries. She cares for me.” Gaston said

“My granddaughter in love with the most arrogant conceited man in the village.. I won’t stand for it.” Maurice said

“Stop.. I’m so tired of hearing what I can’t have, go or do anything. You know what, I’ve made my decision. I’ve decided to stay in the village with Gaston.” I said, locking my arm within his

‘I had made my decision, I was about to find out what freedom and happiness was like; I could already picture my future with Gaston.. I had never felt more happy in my entire life..’

~End of Chapter Three~

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