Waiting Forevermore

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“Joëlle, you and Christían are to be married within the fortnight, so you are to take off Gaston’s ring.” Adam said “No.. you can’t make me do this..” I said “My dearest Joëlle.. It’s a shame about your friend..” Christían said “I can tell when a person is playing with my feelings, Sir Christían.. I can’t marry you.. my heart is spoken for.. by Gaston.. I love him too much to lose him. He is the only man I could ever truly give my heart to..” I said ‘Later that night, I steal the keys to the dungeon and head down toward the cells..’ “Joëlle..?” Gaston asked semi-consciously “Shhh.. I’m not supposed to be down here, I came by to tell you that within two weeks I will be Madame Revin, though I dread the day of my wedding to that boorish cretin.” I said “I would love to see Sir Revin thrown and fed to the wolves.” Gaston said “Gaston.. that would be a cruel thing to do to the wolves.. at least have him thrown into uncharted waters where no one would think to find him.” I said “Have you been thinking about ways to leave the man for dead?” Gaston asked “Every day since my father arranged us to marry.”  I said “You can unchain my wrists and we can run.. somewhere they won’t be able to find us, we can get married before he asks you to take Christían as your husband.” Gaston said “A secret wedding? I don’t know.. I just want you, Gaston. Because when I’m with you, I truly feel like I’m home.. I’ve felt that way since we first met.” I said “Princess Joëlle, what are you doing out of your sleeping chambers?” the guard captain asked “I couldn’t sleep..” I said “Sir Christían, she’s down here..” the guard captain said “There you are, dearest.. I worried when I saw you were gone..” Christían said, embracing me in his arms “Don’t touch me.” I said forcefully pulling myself away “My dear Joëlle.. you have to end this thing with the captain and accept the fact that you are to be future Queen.. and an army captain cannot be King..” Christían said “Gaston is twice the king you will ever be..” I said “Don’t be so foolish, you’re a princess, and he is a Tavern owner.. a lovely young flower such as you should be married to a man of equal or greater status.. with you as my Queen we will have power over the kingdom..” Christían said “This isn’t what I want. I have spent fifteen long years stuck in this castle, confined to it like a prisoner within the walls of stone surrounding us. I won’t spend the rest of my days here.” I said “I hadn’t imagined that my wife was as fiery as she is eternally beautiful.” Christían said “I may be many things, Sir Christían, but your wife I will never be.” I said ‘I had slapped Christían across the face,   taking hold of Gaston’s arm as he wraps his around my waist..’ “I’ll never leave you again, Gaston.. I will remain by your side, as your wife and Christían will never have me..” I said “Good to know where her loyalties lie.. although the only woman who I have ever loved has her heart stolen by another man..” Christían said “The only woman you’ve ever loved? You don’t even know me.” I said “Until we’re wed, you will stay locked in a separate cell..” Christían said “Take your hands off of me..” I said as the guard captain threw me into a further cell “A few more days in the dungeon should make you see the error of your ways and come to your senses..” Christían said as he and the guard captain took their leave “How are we going to get ourselves out of here? They took the keys to the cells..” Gaston said “Did they?” I asked holding the keys in front of him  “How did you--” Gaston asked “They never searched me when they left, I hid them under the skirt of my gown when their backs were turned.” I said ‘Gaston and I had gotten to the underground tunnels leading into the village, I was gonna give my heart to Gaston and no one else.. I was considering what Gaston had said about the secret wedding, maybe it was something we were going to do, if it meant we would stay together, I was on board with the decision, and this time, Christían would not be able to stop us..’

~End of Chapter Twenty One~

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