The Celebration

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“Gaston, I want to apologize for my father’s rudeness back there.. I know you’ve changed, my godmother knows you’ve changed and she’s the only person who supports our engagement..” I said “You made the right decision, Joëlle. You chose your heart.. That’s all that matters..” Gaston said placing his hand on mine “I guess you’re right.. I’m happy with my choice.. I just wish that every one else was as supportive as she is..” I said “They’ll warm up to the idea.. they just need time, Joëlle..” Gaston said “I know.. I’m eighteen. My parents were always out and I was raised by Mrs.
Potts she’s more a mother to me than Belle ever was. They deprived me of my freedom.. I wasn’t even allowed outside in the garden.. even as I got older I was confined to the castle.” I said “Now, you’re free.. no longer trapped beyond the walls of stone.. but free to come and go wherever and whenever you please..” Gaston said “Free to come and go wherever and whenever you please.. Gaston, you’re a genius.. once my parents step down everyone will be able to go wherever they wish whenever they wish.. the entire kingdom will have a choice..” I said ‘Gaston had looked around the Tavern, his friends are chattering, he stands up onto the table.. trying to get their attention..’ “Excuse me, I have an announcement.. the reason I asked you all here is to tell you that I’m getting married.. my future wife is here in the Tavern tonight I’d like you all to meet the future Madame Gaston. The lovely Joëlle.. come on up here, Joëlle.” Gaston said, taking my hand, pulling me onto the table “Gaston.. I-- Wow such a nice view from up here..” I said “We can’t just sit back and watch our daughter marry a Tavern owner.. we have to break the engagement..” Adam said “Can’t you just find it in your heart to let your daughter be happy, sir? Joëlle has been locked in the castle for fifteen years.. if she wants to marry this Gaston then she should be able to do what makes her happy..” Mrs. Potts said “Our daughter should be married to a prince.. A Tavern owner cannot be a king..” Adam said “But think of Joëlle’s happiness, Master..” Mrs. Potts said “I’m so glad you decided to marry me, Joëlle..” Gaston said “Gaston.. you need to slow down on the drinks, I know that we’re celebrating our engagement.. but this may be a little too--” ‘Gaston shoves the drinks off the table, softly holding me and affectionately kissing me, even though I smell the ale on his breath, I pull him closer.. who was I to stop him from having fun.. after all, it was an engagement celebration..’ “I wanted to do that all night.” Gaston said “You know, you’re not a bad kisser, Gaston.. even if you’re slightly intoxicated.” I said “Gaston, your fiancée is crown princess.. you need to get her back to the castle.” LeFou said “LeFou, you need to loosen up. Joëlle knows I love her. She means the world to me. Joëlle can spend the night here..” Gaston said “I’m sure that would be alright.. but, LeFou, even though he’s drunk, Gaston’s right. You’re a bit too wound up.. this is our engagement party. Have a little fun..” I said “I think I’ll be taking my leave now, I wish you and your groom-to-be all the best.. let me know whenever you come to your senses and choose the right thing..” LeFou said leaving the Tavern “Joëlle, LeFou’s jealous because he can’t get a beautiful woman like I have..” Gaston  said “That’s very sweet of you to say..” I said as Gaston had kissed down my neck ‘I once again pulled him closer, briefly forgetting about what LeFou had said to me.. I had been overtaken by lust I closed my eyes, picturing my life with him.. how happy I was..’  
“ Whoa.. I have never been more attracted to anyone. But, we should go sleep you off..” I said, leading him to the room ‘The party had ended not long after, I had just finished cleaning up the Tavern. Gaston had briefly awoken, seeing me at the foot of the bed I had moved a semi thick strand of hair out of his face, I lay beside him, taking hold of his hand as I slowly fall asleep at his side..’

~End of Chapter Ten~

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